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Thursday 3 November 2011

Thought For The Day

    Yesterday morning I was listening to a programme on Radio 4. Someone, I forget his name for the moment, was talking to the programme presenter about the early days of television and television programmes at a time when television was only on for 2 hours a day, fancy, I didn't think you would! But then I had a Prisoner moment, because as the talk progressed it was revealed that in the early days of television people thought television was a two-way thing, like a two-way mirror, that in watching a television programme, 'they' could see YOU through the television set! Such was people's early fears of this that they would put cloths over the screen, and later television sets began to be produced in a wooden cabinet, fitted with front doors so to cover the television screen. And the Prisoner moment? Well doesn't this remind you of anything in the episode of Free For All?
Be seeing you

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