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Sunday 6 November 2011

Village Observation

    You will have observed in the opening sequence of the Prisoner, that not always the actors voice is heard to be speaking during the opening dialogue between No.2 and No.6, as in the case of Patrick Cargill. It was intended for each actor to have his or her own voice used for the opening dialogue, but in the end it became a question of time, it would have taken too long.
    One further matter, during the opening dialogue of Dance of the Dead we hear the voice of Mary Morris as  No.2, yet in the film we see a man sitting in No.2's chair!


  1. Every No. 2 speaks his/her own part in the opening sequence of the German version which is well executed. Their respective temper or aggressiveness can clearly be distinguished.
    Wir sehen uns!

  2. Hello Arno,

    I remember back in the early 1990's when I was given copies of three episodes of 'the Prisoner' 'Arrival' which had been dubbed into French, 'The Chimes of Big Ben' which had been dubbed into Italian, and 'Das General' which had been dubbed of course into German. The German dubbing of 'Das General' was always my favourite, because the German language made the episode more powerful and aggressive, which suits the Village very well, not that I can speak German, knowing only a few words and phrases. And whoever the German actor was who dubbed the voice of No.6, well he sounds like the voice of Patrick McGoohan speaking German. I thought that very good.

    Best wishes and enjoy the weekend
    Be seeing you

  3. Horst Naumann is No. 6. This applies to the early dubbing of only 13 episodes produced in 1969 by ZDF television. Joachim Brinkmann was the ingenious dialogue and dubbing director, no exaggeration here! When the Franco-German TV station ARTE, for the first time, dubbed the until then missing four episodes in 2010 NUMMER 6 was experiencing its real German TV premiere, one could say. This time voice actor for No. 6 was Bernd Rumpf who also directed the dubbing of the four episodes. He also did a very good job, of course, his voice isn't identical to Naumann's but there is a match. Read this PDF on the ARTE transmission. - Wir sehen uns!

  4. Hello Arno,

    Thank you for the information which I found very interesting, and for which I'm obliged to you. Thank you for the link, I shall read the PDF when I get a minute.

