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Thursday 1 December 2011

Collectors Corner

Not very exciting I know, two Prisoner collectors cards, which is what I and others thought back in 1996, the year these two cards were produced. I remember the event well, it was during the 1996 Prisoner convention at Portmeirion, just after the end of the Touring Theatre re-enacments. Max Hora said that he had something very exciting to give everyone who attended the Touring Theatre, and would we like to queue up outside the Prisoner shop, which we did while Max went into the shop, locking the door behind him. We all wondered what it was Max had to give us, it must be very importnat we all thought. I was amazed really, as Max rarely gave anything away, although I do have to say that personally Max was very generous to me from time to time. So we stood there for what was like an age, my mate Paul began to grow a beard! But at long last the door of the Prisoner shop was unlocked and upon opening we all trooped in. And the above collectors cards are what we were given, and believe you me, none of us could understand what all the fuss had been about!  Oh yes, these are the only Prisoner collectors cards of this series to have been produced. 
 Be seeing you

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