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Friday 2 December 2011

Confession Is Good For The Soul

    Well it seems to be for No.93 who whilst standing at the podium in the foyer of the Town Hall confesses that they are right of course, quite right, after being told what to say that is. That he is inadequate, but he is grateful, truly gatetful and is applauded for his confession. Would it have gone much easier for No.6 if he had confessed, but then what had he to confess, the matter of his resignation for one thing, his unmutualality for another. Although No.6 was put upon by those two thugs in the woods, defending himelf as he was, but he allowed himself to be drawn in and that is generally the case with No.6. He did once try not to get drawn in with the episode of It'sYour Funeral, telling No.50-Monique, when she came to him looking for help, to go to the Town Hall. "Your citizens council promises help and advice to everyone." But try as hard as he might No.6 cannot persuade the girl to leave his cottage. As far as he is concerned what's theirs is hers! The  fact that No.50 desperately tries to persuade No.6 that she is not one of them, washes straight over him. But to borrow one of No.2's sayings "There's more than one way to skin a rabbit" and so it is with No.6, always a sucker for a damsel in distress, as No.50 suddenly collapses in a state of unconsciousness on the floor. Drugs of course.
    And that is something which the village administartors are good at seeing the doctors develop. In A B and C the doctor has developed a new wonder drug, no name is mentioned, though it can only be administered in three doses, and that is the absolute limit as a fourth dose would kill the subject. And there must be a gap of 24 hours between doses before the next dose can be administered, to give the subject time to adjust. This drug of course used to help get into, and manipulate, the subjects dreams.
    Sedatives, anaesthetics, and tranquillisers are frequently used by the doctors in the hospital of course, to keep paitients calm and sedated for any number of reasons, as in the case of the Professor in The General. Administered at night through a night cap or water supply in order to see that the good citizens get a good nights sleep. To keep them from stirring in the night, from seeing things perhaps they should not, to keep the citizens under control, from attempting an escape on a particularly dark night. And if you are not particularly sleepy, not having drunk your night cap, as in the case of No.6 that night of Dance of the Dead, then there is the quite, hypnotic female voice of the village announcer to help put you to sleep.
    Then there are the new super strength meprobromates which has been developed, one of it's uses demonstrated during It's Your Funeral. The drug lays dormant until triggered by the nervous system, and then releases the desired quantities to produce instant tranquillity or temporary oblivion as in the case of No.50. Then there's Mytol, doses of which are administered to No.6 by the doctor No.86. This in order to keep No.6 tranquilised, this to make him think that he has actually gone through the process called 'Instant Social Conversion' the dislocation of the aggressive frontal lobes!
    But it is not simply drugs that are used on patients at the hospital during doctors experiments, hypnotism is another. This was used on No.8 the White Queen, into making her think that No.6 was in love with her, so that she could get close to No.6. She being tied into the security system with the reaction transmitter in the locket which No.8 wore about her neck. If No.8 thinks she is going to lose No.6, if he tries to escape, then her reactions will send an alarm to control!
    During the election period of Free for All No.6 was kept going through the election period by regular doses of a unnamed drug, but exact to the correct proportions so as not to damage the tissue. This together with further conditioning employed through the pulsator device hidden in the over head light above the bed in No.6's bed room. This pulsator device is also employed to deepen No.6's sleep in both The Schizoidman and Once Upon A Time.

   "Clever aren't they?" as No.6 once put it.
                             "Yes they are, damned clever!" came No.2's reply.

   Well if they were so damned clever, why not employ a truth drug to get what they want from No.6, the reason for his sudden and premature resignation? The Germans during the second World War used the truth drug Scapolomine to great effect. This way the village administration would have saved themselves a great deal of time and effort, or perhaps that would have been too easy and being no fun at all, in the way they like to play games as they do.
   So perhaps the good doctor-No.14 was right in her diagnosis, the Prisoner is an anguish pattern which continues to repeat itself over and over again. possibly even to suggest self- persecution complex, possibly amounting to mania! But at least No.6 isn't mad, well not according to medical reports he isn't. After all to create all the village in one's own mind, one must be taken for mad. At least that was No.2's conclusion of No.6, as he continues to like a world which he only dreams about! But what if it were the other way around, what if No.6 was in our world, and was only dreaming about the village, he would certainly be taken for mad!

Be seeing you

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