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Tuesday 7 February 2012

What's That Number Six Up To?

    I think I previously wrote of Number Six, who volunteered to test drive the Village's new 'off-road' vehicle the Mini Moke. What Number Six had not bargained for was the accident which had been carefully arranged. Such as the Mini-Moke hitting a hump in the sand, causing No.6 to be thrown from the vehicle.
   It would appear that the Village technicians have been working on a brand new safety device, which they code named 'ROVER' after the British car. What it is, is an air-bag, which activates itself whenever the vehicle hits something, is involved in an accident, as in this case.
  After this first test run, it was suggested to the Village technicians, that perhaps it might be an idea to have 'ROVER' or the air-bag, inside the vehicle. Perhaps having it secured inside the steering wheel might be an advantage. Of course this is a very early design, and further experimentation is clearly required. And so it was that our intrepid Number Six bravely volunteered for a second test of the safety device, but this time we took to the water.
   There was a helicopter in support, just in case anything went wrong, and the boat's crew maintained the engine, while Number Six was at the helm. Then suddenly something went wrong, and the crew, including Number Six abandoned ship!
The safety device, the air-bag, delployed itself as successfully upon the water, as it had on land. But as you see the end result is exactly the same, that it would have been better had the safety device been inside the boat. And that ladies and gentlemen, is why you have such a safety device fittied in most cars today. Each car having been fitted with it's very own Rover air-bag.

Be seeing you

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