Saturday 21 April 2012

Cartoon Capers

'The Jailbird' by Steve Matt.

 Copyright Steve Matt
This cartoon is by Lew Stringer and was published in 'Free For All,' a Prisoner based magazine in 1996.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It's my 'Mokeless Zone' strip! How could I forget?

    Howard Foy started publishing Lew Stringer's work instead of 'The Jailbird' around the time I was becoming disillusioned with the Society. It was definitely time for me to move on...

    However, I was grateful to Lew for contacting 'Buster Comic' Editor Bob Paynter and putting a good word in for me. It kick started a short lived career for me with IPC magazines (I'd grown up reading their comics!) as IPC and other comic industries in Britain collapsed in a big way several years later. Once again, I missed the boat and I blame the sad decline of children's comics on computers, play stations...etc...etc...

    Your research knows no bounds David!

    BCNU );oB
