Saturday 21 April 2012

Thought For The Day

    'Fall Out' - the former Number 6 had returned to London, he returns to his home, but instead of going inside with his manservant the Butler, he climbs into his Lotus Seven and drives off.
    I wonder what the chances are of the former Number Six going back to his former colleagues, either the Colonel or Sir Charles Portland, explaining to them why he disappeared for a second time, then again asking them to help him get back to the Village, in an attempt to put answers to his many questions? Or at the very least he can tell his former colleagues the exact location of the Village, seeing as he navigated his way back to the Village the last time in 'Many Happy Returns.'

Be seeing you, back in the Village!


  1. One theory of mine is that a 17 year old McGoohan was influenced by one of the greatest horror movies of all time. It was released in 1945 and was produced by a studio more familiar for its excellent comedies.

    I am of course referring to the movie 'Dead Of Night' which starred Welsh actor Mervyn Johns. It's possible that when Mervyn Johns guest starred in the Danger Man episode 'No Marks For Servility', he unconsciously stirred up memories of the horror classic for McGoohan and influenced the cyclic pattern of 'Fall Out' and 'Arrival'.

    Any one familiar with the film will remember that practically the whole story takes place in the mind of an architect. At the end we discover it's all a dream which he is reliving over and over again. He is possibly in a coma (echos of 'The Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove') brought on by a collision on his way to his appointment.

    This could also explain the Prisoner's plight. Perhaps he's ALSO in a coma due to a collision, (somewhere between the runway and London...), perhaps killing a child on a bicycle. Hence the ubiquitous Penny Farthing. Why a Penny Farthing? It's a symbol of wishing to turn the clock back. An undertaker ALSO features in the film...

    Guilt over rides the Prisoner's mind in 'Once Upon A Time' as he manufactures a courtroom and the charge is speeding! In 'Fall Out' the courtroom is played out on a larger scale, possibly another unconscious influence from a movie that was released the following year titled 'A Matter Of Life And Death' - but that's another story...

    1. Hello Steve,

      I myself came to the same idea a few years ago that McGoohan might have been influenced by one of my faviourite films 'Dead of Night,' I don't know how likely that is, but there it is. McGoohan might say its damned rediculous, but then he could never stop fans from speculating.

      As ever

  2.'s possible that this 'theoretical child' had a balloon tied to his handle bars ... a WHITE one...

    It would also explain the ominous incidental music played out in the style of nursery rhymes throughout the series...

    BCNU );oB

  3. "You might even meet people you know!"

    -Number Two. (Arrival)

    Echos of 'Dead Of Night'..?

    BCNU );oB

  4. Hello

    In the allegory that is The Prisoner the Lovegrove/Drake story line is perfect as we see a ball that Drake dodges just before the crash. While blacked out Drake admits to some he is an agent, one being the rather Leo McKern like casino manager, who is just the number two man with the number one man yet to be revealed. The ball makes for the perfect Rover image.

    You may recall in Arrival the medical team on the beach is not unlike that in Lovegrove.


    Mr. Anonymous

  5. Hi 'Anonymous'!

    I'm delighted to see we're on the same wavelength. You are of course referring to the wonderful character actor Francis De Wolff, who appeared in the quintessential 'Alistair Sim' version of 'A Christmas Carol' the ghost of Christmas present - in the movie 'Scrooge'.

    My earliest recollection of him was in 'The Tomorrow People' in which he played the villain Jedikiah. A series infamous for the AWFUL performance of Stephen Salmon, who's acting was even worse than '6 of 1 Convention reenactments'. (David Stimpson excluded!)

    BCNU );oB

  6. Hello Steve

    No Marks For Servility, with Drake as a spying butler in an isolated manse is very Prisoner like. If indeed Mr. McGoohan was so inspired by Dead of Night then No.6 would have been the architect of his own nightmare, namely The Village.

    The Hunting Party, The Paper Chase and Say It With Flowers (with it's reference to a retiring spy) all seem to have precursor like elements in them.

    If the gocart Rover had been used you may have had idea of it's intended performance from the scenes in The Paper Chase.

    It would seem that a great deal of elements from The Prisoner were there for McGoohan to draw on, especially as he directed The Paper Chase and the episode To Our Best Friend where Drake gives mention to Colony 3.


    Mr. Anonymous
