Sunday 22 April 2012

Cartoon Capers

   I have to say that 'Cartoon Capers' is slowly drawing to a close. However before that moment comes, there is 'The Jailbied meets Dangerbird' in a series of cartoon strips by Steve Matt, which commences next time. But for now..........

And published in 'The Penny Farthing in 1990.

Copyright Steve Matt

Be seeing you


  1. Two strips featuring 'alternative' Rovers! A lucky accident David? The first strip is also the very first appearance of 'The Jailbird' - and it shows! He first appeared in 'Number Six' October 1986. It's interesting to see how he's evolved.

    I look forward to seeing the Jailbird in 'Once Upon A Change Of Time' again soon...

    I trust you'll continue to feature my work on your blog David?

    BCNU );oB

  2. The 2nd strip appeared in the December edition of 'The Penny Farthing'.

    Spot the 'upside down' Xmas Pud!

    BCNU );oB

  3. Hi Steve,

    It is a pleasure to have your work posted here on my blogspot, what's more your cartoon strips will feature here for anyone to read for as ever long Blogspot is in existance.
    As for posting more cartoons strips, once I've posted the next installment of 'Once Upon A Change of Time' to be posted Wednesday, 'Introducing Dangerbird John Drake' - The Spy with no gun and no gulls,' followed by 'Pat Goon is The Jailbird" in "Once Upon A Change of mind - The Conclusion,' I have no further cartoon strips to post having posted all the ones I have.

    Very Kind Regards
    Be seeing you
