Wednesday 4 April 2012

Collectors Corner

  I came across this item on ebay. I have of course heard of, and seen a few of the newsletters and magazines and fanzines which were produced in America from 1979 and 1980's, of which The Green Dome is one. The description for this item is as follows.

This is the January issue of The Prisoner newsletter  " The Green Dome " published in the USA in 1980.
    Before the internet had fan based websites, before homes had  computers with desktop publishing and before emails and mobile phones if fans of a tv series wanted to communicate with each other they had to do so the old fashioned way by printing newsletters or fanzines.      
    Many of these were labours of love , literally cut and pasted into a format that could either be photocopied directly or sent to a printer to be prepared and printed.
    Often produced with no budget the publications would vary wildly in quality from semi professional efforts to hurriedly xeroxed copies stapled together..
    Between the late Seventies and Eighties Prisoner fans produced a myriad of publications devoted to the series. The first were often from satellite groups of a national fan club followed later by many independent groups and individuals worldwide.

    The Green Dome was an independant newsletter published in America by two fans, Diana Folch-Pi and artist Betsy Hatcher.Unlike many of its UK counterparts, The Green Dome displayed a sophisticated and artistic appearance, lovingly put together with copious illustrations and good quality photos all wrapped up in quality printing on ( of course ) green colored paper.  
    This 17 page first issue contains a mix of articles and news  and this charming item  is sure to appeal to all  Prisoner fans.

                            Valued at 99 bid I think.
Be seeing you

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