Saturday 7 April 2012

Postcard From The Village

  Well the Prisoner convention is long since over, over almost as soon as it began, well that's how they always appeared to me when I used to attend them years ago. I was Number Six to Morag's Number 50, 8-Nadia Rakovsy, Number 8 'the white Queen. Number 2 {Dance of the Dead} 'B', to name but a few. I think that the most complex re-enactment which we ever organised and performed was 'Appreciation Day' of 'It's Your Funeral' in 1996, when we had two scenes running in the same re-enactment, the first time this was ever done. What's more we only had one rehersal, and that was at the convention Frday afternoon, because that was the only time we could get all the actors together at the same time. And do you know what......the re-enactment went without one single hitch, it was brilliant to perform in, and even better to watch so we were told.


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