Saturday 7 April 2012

This Week I Am Mostly Watching THEPRIS6NER

    'Harmony,' yes I suppose it should have been 'Arrval,' but I watched that episode last week when my old friend Chris was here for a visit. So 'Harmony,' which begins where 'Arrival' left off, Six lying in the sand having been attacked by the Village Guardian which moves off and away.
    This is the fifth time of screening the series, and there is still plenty to obeserve, like when Six takes his family to the bus depot, there to collect a bus to take 16's family to Escape resort. In the garage is a Mercedes bus with a grill on the front of the bus, but when the bus is driven out of the garage, it's a different bus!
   On a bus tour Six finds a ship's anchor in the desert, to ordinary citizens its a desert folly, a nothing. But to Six the anchor symbolises escape, as the anchor must have had a boat or ship, and a ship needs water, an ocean!
   Towards the end of the episode Six, 16, and the 'winking' woman finally find the ocean. 16 goes into the water, Six shouts to him to get out of the water......the Guardian is moving fast through the water, out of the water, and takes 16 below the waves. Six has lost 16 just as he lost his brother to the ocean when they were boys.
  But there is no ocean, as Six and 313 later discover, and that can mean that 16 was not taken by the Village Guardian below the waves, but was suffocated, drowned in the sand...what a terrible way to die. But at least Two gained a small victory, Six finally admitted that he is Six as he is restrained and taken into the Clinic.
   There is the 'Talk Cure,' in which a pair of 70's psycho-analyse the patient, to find the Six inside. Two doesn't believe in the 'Talk Curse,' it is only important for Six to believe. I wonder if Two was put on his potty side-ways, and so wanted to have sex with his mother?
  Question, does 16 really exist, or is he born of the Village?

Be seeing you


  1. The remake was a misguided and cynical attempt to cash in on the genius of Patrick McGoohan. I'd like to buy up every last print and erase it from history... but then that's the sort of thing The Village might want me to do. But which Village?

  2. I fell asleep during the 2nd episode of the so called 'remake'. I haven't touched it since. I also (rightly or wrongly) advise 'Prisoner Virgins' to have nothing to do with this pile of crap.

    For 30 years dreaded a remake (albeit TV or movie) and my fears proved justified.

    Patrick McGoohan will always be NUMBER ONE - or as Number Two put it on a regular basis..."YOU are Number One!" (Think about it...)

  3. ...or to put it more accurately;

    NUMBER SIX: "Who is Number One?"

    NUMBER TWO: "YOU are, Number Six!"

    (See what a difference a little punctuation makes!)

  4. Hello Number 42,

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. I only wish Patrick McGoohan had lived long enough to see THEPRIS6NER-09, it would have been interesting I'm sure, to have heard his thoughts on the series. But I don't think McGoohan saw it as a misguided and cynical attempt to cash in on his genius, becasue McGoohan wanted to play the role of Two, but that role had already been cast to Ian McKellen.
    As for wanting to buy every last print and erase it from history, you are forgetting that the original series of 'the Prisoner' was not well received when it was first broadcast by the mass population, only a small few appreciated McGoohan's creation at the time. It took time for people to fully appreciate 'the Prisoner, and so it might be with THEPRIS6NER-09.
    I know someone who only watched THEPRIS6NER-09 for half and hour of the first episode, switched off and condemned the whole series based on the half hour. I would have thought a fan of the original series would have been more open minded about it, and at least give the series a chance. I wonder what fans take on THEPRIS6NER-09 would have been had McGoohan appeared in it? Perhaps then the series might have been seen as the next best thing to sliced bread.

    For myself, I am pleased, no proud, that I have seen the worth in THEPRIS6NER-09 and so can appreciate both series. Because much of the original series is in THEPRIS6NER-09 just reinventied, reinterpreted. If fans out there do not like it, well that's fine, but there are more that do than you might imagine.


  5. Hello Steve,

    Well to be perfectly honest 'Harmony' is the weakest of the six episodes, but its a pity you gave up on the series after that. As for advising 'Prisoner virgins' to have nothing to do with THEPRIS6NER-09, I trust that anyone coming to the series will make up their own mind about it, and do not take the advice of someone who who gave up on the series so soon. I can understand anyone who has a dislike for the series, but only of those who have actually seen the whole series, I take it by your comment that you haven't.
    By the by, there is no Number One in THEPRIS6NER-09, but then you wouldn't know that, would you?


    1. You're quite right. I shouldn't criticise a series which I haven't seen in its entirety.

      Provided it doesn't feature awesome kick ass chicks (with attitude) in tight leather action jackets - I'll give it another chance!

      BCNU );oB

    2. Hello Steve,

      No I can assure you there are no kick ass chicks clad in 'tight leather action jackets,' well only those in the cages in the 'Go-Inside' bar!

      Not to blow my own trumpet, but there have been those who have contacted me, some friends, others simply contacts, who were dead set against THEPRIS6NER-09. However, due to my writing about the series in blog, emails, and letters, and my particular take on the series, they have turned and given the series a second chance, and have been pleased they did.
      The way Morag and I watched THEPRIS6NER-09 when it was first screened in 2010, was to watch an episode while recording it. Then watching that episode again before the next episode, there being far too much to take in the first time.
      There are articles posted on my blog about THEPRIS6NER-09, which you might find interesting to read.
      If having given THEPRIS6NER-09 a second chance you still don't like the series, then that's fair enough.

      "Breathe in...breathe out....more.....Village"


    3. To be fair - I DID think the use of computer generated imagery was very effective on Rover.

      CGI doesn't always work...

    4. Hi Steve,

      Yes, it was good to see the Village Guardian in re-employment for THEPRIS6NER-09, although the Guardian is summoned up in a different way to that of the original series.

      Kind Regards
      Breathe in....breathe out....Village life goes on.
