Wednesday 11 April 2012

"We want information, information, information!"

   Is that all? It seems to me, that if Number 6 will answer one simple thing, that all the rest will follow - why did he resign? But isn't it more than that, I mean if No.6 had given them the information "they" wanted, the reason behind his resignation, and then all the rest of the knowledge inside his head would follow, but what then for Number6?
    Isn't it more likely that "they", the villages administration, wanted Number 6's co-operation? If he would only compromise, no matter how small. Because when that small concession, that betrayal of Number 6's own values is achieved, then further inducements would obviously follow until Number 6 had betrayed all his values at his captors behest then Number 6 would have lost all his autonomy, and his abilities would be at his new masters disposal.
   But is would appear that the Prisoner-Number 6 is made of sterner stuff, and having survived the ultimate test, not only is Number 6's abilities still intact, but so too his values, which are different to anybody else’s. There is no co-operation, and certainly no compromise and it is then that he can turn his back on the village, which resulted in the violent and bloody revolution during Fall Out. 
   On final point, had Number 6 given them what they wanted, information, co-operation, having come to a compromise with his captors, then surely Number 6 would not have been the man of steel they had been looking for to lead them!

Be seeing you

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