Wednesday 11 April 2012

Teabreak Teaser

    Why is it one minute Number Six cares enough about the community enough to save the Village from a purge, and the citizens from mass reprisals, then the next he's turned his back on the community, the citizens of which turn upon Number 6 for being disharmonious!



  1. Just because No.6 was unsociable doesn't mean he was pyschopathic. No.6 had contempt for those who accepted the terms of their imprisonment, but his actve dislike was reserved for those in positions of power. I think as well that he would identify a terrorist attack as just illustrating the ruthless nature of another version of tryranny; that would happily run the village too, if it had the chance.

  2. Hello Moor,

    An interesting answer, which caused me to stop and think about it.


  3. No6 didn't turn his back on the Villagers - THEY turned their backs on HIM.

    London member and 'Walkabout Organizer' Dave Lally was always fascinated by how effective No2's attempt at banishing No6 was in this episode. He felt that in time, No6 'might' have cracked.

    It certainly flexed McGoohan's acting muscles for a while...


  4. Hi Steve,

    Number Six is certainly unsociable in 'A Change of Mind,' he used to use the Village gymnasium, but since 'It's Your Funeral' he took to his own private gymnasium in the woods, in keeping himself to himself. Either way you would think that some citizen would remember what Number Six had done for the good of the community, in saving it from a purge of malcontents, of which Number Six was 'top of the bill.' I wonder if Number Six would have been got rid of in the purge of the Village? I doubt it somehow.

    Dave Lally might have been right, Number Six set himself alone, and no man can be an Island for too long, he was feeling that loneliness that time in the woods.

