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Monday 7 May 2012

Appreciation Day

         "Appreciation Day, is the day when we pay homage to those who govern the citizens of the village so wisely."

    What's more there was an "Appreciation Day" monument together with its plaque Achievement which was unveiled. Yet by the time of the episode of  A Change of Mind the "Appreciation Day" monument had been removed from the area of the Gloriette. Perhaps it was moved to a less prominent position. Yet that word Achievement certainly goes with the retiring No.2 accomplishments, his not being concerned with No.6, but in adding the new Blue Zone in the post. The new mural in the library, electrification of the clocks, the clock golf are of the retiring No.2's achievements. And what's more he's had ample time in which to achieve these achievements, and more, this now retiring No.2 has even had time to take a spell of leave from the village. Because while this retiring No.2 has been away on leave there have been  no fewer than three interim No.2's, including his heir presumptive, during this spell of leave. Which bodes the question, just how long was this retiring No.2's term of office? Certainly it must have been the longest term of office of any of the No.2's, and not only that this particular No.2 has been the most industrious on behalf of the village.
    Yet no No.2 has ever retired before, yes I know he was going to be assassinated, but he was up for retirement first. All his predecessors have simply been removed at their failure and replaced! Was "Appreciation Day" exactly as it appeared to be, or simply another farce like the elections of Free for All?
   Funny though, all the same,  how No.6 upon a visit to see No.2 in his office of the Green Dome, was slightly surprised to see this elderly No.2.
"Number Six isn't it?" as though he's not quite sure.
"I want to see Number Two" No.6 asks.
"I am Number Two" the retiring No.2 informs his visitor.”
   Well for No.2 not to be too sure of his visitor, and for No.6 not to recognise who No. 2 is, they couldn't possibly have had any thing to do with each other all the time No.2 was in the Village. Which in turn begs the question how long was this No.2's term of office wa between 'Hammer Into Anvil' and 'It's Your Funeral?'

Be seeing you

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