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Saturday 5 May 2012

The Prisoner And Me - Me And The Prisoner

    Well that's a fifth screening of THEPRIS6NER-09 finished. I cannot see there ever being a second series, but that is my hope, as the final scene leaves the door open for another series. Oh I know, there had been talk about a remake of 'the Prisoner,' or a related series to 'the Prisoner' since 1968. And in the mid 1990's talk was rife about a Hollywood feature film of 'the Prisoner,' which history notes came to absolutely nothing. But as I understand it Universal film studios do still own the film rights to 'the Prisoner.'
   So having waited all these years, what fans have is a series not filmed in Portmeirion. Not a direct remake, what would be the point of that? But something different, something more subtle, yet a series which contains some of the essence of the original series, which it pays homage to on several occasions.
   THEPRIS6NER is set in the 1950's, or certainly there is the feel of the 1950's about it. The Solar Cafe is basically a 1950's American Diner, with it exterior Portmeirionesque architecure and decorations. Many of the vehicles in the series are 1950's or early 60's. A friend suggested that THEPRIS6NER could be a preqel to 'the Prisoner' of 1967-68, which is one idea, which would make the Italianate Village of Portmeirion the next Village. Meaning that Six and 313 did find a better way.......mmmmmm, I'm not so sure about that, not when you consider the doctor in McGoohans 'Prisoner' series carrying out all manner of human medical experiments on the patients and inmates of the Village. I'm beginning to prefer the Village of THEPRIS6NER already!
   There are many fans who cannot see the value of THEPRIS6NER. However having said that, there are more fans who appreciate it than you first might imagine. And others who at first screening rejected the series, but who, after watching the series a second time, have now recognised it's worth, and can appreciate it for what it is, not 'the Prisoner' but being  THEPRIS6NER.
   However we must not forget that 2012 is the 45th anniversary of 'the Prisoner.' It's not the most important anniversary, more of a mediocre one if truth be told. For the next important anniversary is the 50th, in just 5 years time. However, I shall celebrate 'the Prisoner' later in the year commencing a screening in October. Well that's the month in 1967 when I first watched 'Arrival' on Anglia Television, a regional station in ITV'S regional televison network.That was in the days of good old black and white television, which meant that there was still a further impact to be delivered by 'the Prisoner,' that of colour. And after watching 'the Prisoner' in black and white once again in 1976, but later in the 1980's being being able to watch the series in colour {we didn't have a colour television until then} it gave the whole series an added dimension in a way. The colourful buildings of the Village, the colourful clothes worn by the Village citizens, the capes, the open umbrellas....all made for a marvellous visualisation. There had never been anything like 'the Prisoner' on television before, but there would be television series' with Prisoneresue connotation,s like 'Cape Wrath, and 'Hyde,' to name but two. And when the 1998 film 'The Truman Show' hit the cinema screens everyone said, well some people said, this is 'the Prisoner' feature film. Which of course it wasn't, but it gave a good impression, and would suit until a proper film of 'the Prisoner' came along, which it never did of course.
    And today? Well I write my daily blog on 'the Prisoner,' I answer comments, answer letters to people who write letters to me about the series, yes letters. I produce a quarterly newsletter The tally Ho, and really my appreciation for 'the Prisoner' has never been stronger. Well perhaps it was, but I seem to be doing more things connected to the series, writing this for one thing. Do I feel the need to be a member of an appreciation society or fan club for the sereis? No, not these days. I was once, for 15 years, but no longer. I do have happy memories of that time, but I no longer feel the need for any such society. I am aware of some, who like me left the society Six of One, but who missed it and went back, I could never do that, nor have ever felt the need. I suppose I'm much too occupied doing my own thing in regard to 'the Prisoner.'

I'll be seeing you

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