Tuesday 1 May 2012

A Right Pair of Six's!

Number Six"There's something not quite right here."
Number Six "How do you mean?"
"Well surely I should be standing over there where you are. And you should be over here, where I'm standing."
"Do you think so. I think it could be worse than that."
"How so?"
"Well look about you."
"Well doesn't the room look different?"
"Now you come to mention it.... isn't there something wrong with those steps?"
"It's not the bloody steps. It's the room itself, the steps haven’t altered, the room, it's back to front!
"You mean someone’s been messing about."
"One of Number 2's little games I suppose, like you!"
"Look, this wasn't my idea."
"What's your name?"
"Well Tony........."
" Who's Tony?"
"You are."
"No I'm not."
"You said your name is Tony Curtis."
"No I didn't. I said my name is Curtis."
"Well whoever you are. We could turn the tables on Number Two."
"How do you mean?"
"I could go about pretending to be you, and you could pretend to be me."
"Aren't we doing that already?"
"I, I, oh damn and blast. It's so confusing!"
"One of us could escape."
"Which one of us?"
"Well that's the whole point, no-one would know, those who are watching."
"But we would know."
"Not much fun for the one of us left behind."
"No. But if it were me, I'd come back for you."
"How do I know I can trust you?"
"Could I trust you?"
"We could both escape!"
"Now how is that going to work?"
"We could both stay here."
"No, that won't work either."
"Well if I were to escape, you could leave the Village the same way you arrived."
"What lying unconscious in a coffin?"
"No, blindfolded in a helicopter."
"Mmmmmm worth a try I suppose."
"So, am I going to me or you?"
"I think it's best I be me and you just be yourself."
"Which one of us is going to escape as Me?"
"I am, I'll be impersonating you. Is there anything I should know?
"Yes, firstly don't mention the General."
"Don't mention the General, good."
"Secondly, Susan died a year ago."
"Who was Susan?"
"She was your......my wife. I have a photograph of her, I'll give it to you."
"Good, now all I have to do is give Number Two a call........................................"


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