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Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Therapy Zone

Many Happy Returns or The Carrot And The Stick!

    No.6 awakens in his cottage to find that there's no running water, that the electricity has been cut off, and more, stepping outside his cottage he finds that there's seems to be absolutely no one about!
    Having returned inside his cottage, No.6 dresses quickly, then returns outside in order to make a search of the village. the cafe is closed, the door to which is firmly locked against him. Down at the old people's home, there no one about at all. A few over tuned tables and chairs, which on first glance might indicate a hurried departure, and there's no one aboard the stone boat either. No.6 climbs the Bell Tower, and from this high vantage point he can see all about the central part of the village. In the hope of attracting someone's attention he pulls on a bell rope. The sound of the bell rings pout all over the village, yet fails to attract anyone’s attention! But there is an abandoned taxi parked in the street by the General store, the ignition key of which No.6 places in his blazer pocket. Then there's the Green Dome to which No.6 next turns his attention to. He pulls on the wrought iron bell pull, twice, and the white door of the Green Dome fails to open automatically. So opening the door into the foyer No.6 then finds the pair of steel doors closed and has to force them open himself. The black spherical chair is turned away form him..... the chair he discovers is empty, save for a shooting stick umbrella!
    So No.6 has been offered the carrot, with the village apparently deserted. And as No.6 goes about building his raft, gaining provisions etc from the general store, taking photographic evidence of the village, the village authorities will then set about beating No.6 with the stick!
   But could there have been a better way? what I mean is, No.6 was offered the carrot and he grabbed the opportunity to escape the village with both hands. He had taken a great leap of faith in taking to sea aboard his home made raft, trusting in his navigational skills as he sets sail from the relative safety of village, to go sailing off to god knows where, because No.6 doesn't. He doesn't even know where he's sailing from, much less where he's sailing too!
    So if No.6 had not been so quick to snatch at the carrot in his eagerness to escape the village, he might have sat down to consider the possibility of actually not playing their game. After all if No.6 had sat down and simply waited, someone would have to put in an appearance at some time or other, even if for some part of the time the village authorities played a waiting game with No.6. Because where do you think all the citizens were all the time No.6 was busy building his raft? No, the village had most definitely not been evacuated!

Be seeing you

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