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Wednesday 2 May 2012

Thought For The Day

Fotheringay, what kind of ex-colleague and friend to the Prisoner was he? More than that during what some fans are pleased to call 'The Alternative Chimes of Big Ben,' Fotheringay calams not only to have been professional colleagues, but that they were at school together. So why betray him? Perhaps Fotheringay is one of the "I was only obeying orders" brigade. But I suppose there was nothing a man like Fotheringay could have done but to go along with it. In any case he was only there for 'window dressing,' to make the situation more real, but he did seem genuinely pleased to see his old ex-colleague.
   Fotheringay was speaking on the telephone. who was he speaking to, and who was he tryng to fool when he said "Oh I can't wait to see him." Certainly not the Colonel, the peson on the other end of the telephone, that's doubtful, if indeed there was someone there. So who is there left? Well there's only you the viewer left. But at least we, and others like us were fooled the once.

I'll be seeing you


  1. Perhaps Fotheringay wasn't "in on it" and believed he was in London at the time, presuming that the Village wanted to test the London office set-up on someone. OK, at the end of the episode I think we see Fotheringay standing with Nadia, No.2 etc in the Village... he doesn't say anything though....perhaps he was too stunned by the unfamiliar surroundings!

    be seeing you

  2. Hello ZM72,

    If Fortheringay thought he was in London all the time, how did he get to the Village? But yes, I agree, Fotheringay might well have been stunned by his new surroundings, perhaps grateful that they are doing it to his ex-colleague, and not to him! I can imagine him being quite relieved upon returning to London. He must also be very trustworthy, trusted not to speak of the Village in the outside world!

    Be seeing you
