Sunday 3 June 2012

M.S. Polotska To Take Part in The Queen's Jubilee Thames Pagent


    But to be perfectly correct, the real name of the motor cruiser is the 'Breda,' and it was this news which I came across yesterday evening, after my wife had seen thhe 'Breda' amongst the 'little boats' taking part in the Jubilee pageant.

Breda previously Dab II

Annual Commemorative Cruise incorporating the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant - 2012

The 2012 Commemorative Cruise will be held in London, in West India Dock to coincide with the Thames
Diamond Jubilee Pageant. The Pageant to be held at high water on the afternoon of Sunday 3 June 2012 and
the event will see up to a thousand boats muster on the River Thames in preparation for Her Majesty The
Queen to lead the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant. The Pageant celebrates Her Majesty's sixty years of 
service by magnificently bringing the Thames to life. Little Ships will assemble in Barnes reach prior to the event.
List of 'Little Ships' taking part in the Jubilee pageant
Be seeing her there.

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