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Monday 4 June 2012

Postcard From The Village

    I didn't know who to vote for in the election. Vote for Number 2 and the old regime forever. Yet a vote for Number 6 is a vote for freedom and the individual. But I'm also told that everyone votes for a dictator!
   There might have been decomcracy in the Village at this time, as demonstrated in the local election. However, by the time of 'Dance of the Dead' any form of democracy the Village might have enjoyed has been swept away. An irritation that has been dispensed with, as even at best, free democracy is terribly inefficient! Well according to Number 2 it is.
   But with all this talk of democaracy, let us not forget that basically the Village is a prison, where the world's undesirables are placed. And do you know, ever since I first arrived here, I've only ever heard the one language - English! Well the Village might be the blueprint for world order, an International Community, with English as the International language for that community. My God, we're living an experiment! A place where the use of all manner of drugs and human experimentation is second nature, and wasn't Speedlearn an educational experiment carried out on the citizens of this community?
   I say, what are you doing? Why are you taking my trousers off? Becareful where your fitting those electrodes............AAAHHHGGGGGGGGG!  And they call this therapy AAAHHHGGGGGGGGG!

      Be seeing you...................I hope!


  1. "There might have been democracy in the Village": David, do you really think that's true? Number Six' first skeptical reaction to the word "election" was correct: "Elections? In this place?" In a prison camp, no matter what it looks like, inmates, at the most, will be allowed to vote for their group speaker. Less for next day's meal, not to mention about those who run the camp or the way it is run. In essence, the election was a set-up for Number Six, a demonstration of power. As soon as Number Two, while they were having breakfast, tells about it the whole campaign with their placards was standing on the street and ready to perform, for Number Six. Everything has been prepared for him as the one who'd run - like blazes. Instead he runs for office. And that's basically what he gets: a room. But no power. BCNU

    1. Hello Arno,

      I was actually thinking of the Village in terms of how Number 6 described the Village to both the Colonel and Thorpe; that when asked if he was a member of the Town Council, he responds that he could have been, its democratically elected once a year, or so that is what they claim. The Village being a complete unit of our own society. So for the moment I allowed myself to stop thinking of the Village in terms of a prison or internment camp.
      In 'Arrival' Number 2 put the suggestion that the Prisoner might be given a position of authority. It did strike me that that is what Number 6 attained in 'Free for All,' but yes I see the manipulation of Number 6 in 'Free For All, that it was a set up. But sometimes, looking at a situation from another angle, can be instrumental in forging new discussions.

      Kind Regards
      Be seeing you

  2. For all we know about the personality of Number Six I cannot think he would have seriously believed in taking over of "positions of authority" as a means to undermine the system of power. Even conceding, at that time, he was relatively new in the Village. Hence, it is still unclear to me what incited him to agree and run for office in "Free For All". The prospect of getting to know Number One as insinuated by Number Two? Perhaps some mind altering drug was (put) in(to) his morning tea when Two arrived for breakfast. It is very hard imagining a Number Six fully on his own and in control of his own powers going through that election mill out of his own will. BCNU! Arno

  3. Hello Arno,

    I don't think Number 6 was drugged at the beginning, as he went into the election with his eyes wide open, and of his own free will. The opening speech he gave to the electorate was his own words. And look at the expression of surprise as that ready prepared 'Vote For No.6' placard' was produced. Of course a drug or conditioning was introduced to Number 6, but not enough as to damage the tissue. Number 6 was open to any given opportunity, and as he had nothing better to do at the time, he might as well while he was waiting.
    Perhaps it wasn't in the mind of Number 6 at the beginning to organise a mass breakout of the Village, it might be that that idea was instilled in the mind of Number 6 during the 'Truth Test' by the Labour Exchange Manager.
    Does Number 2 know who Number 1 is? After all if Number 6 was to win the election Number 1 may no longer be a mystery to him, if he sees what Number 2 means.
    There is a saying, "Look after Number One, because if you don't no-one else will." So not wanting the tissue damaged, might mean that Number 1 was looking after Number 6!


  4. Declaring the Village inhabitants "free to go" was an act of desperation and distress, under the influence of - something, a drug and/or post-hypnotical treatment. For the first part of the campaign you're probably right. He holds his speech very fiercly. Perhaps he was trying to evaluate how far he could go. This can be taken as an indication that he hadn't been in the Village for too long a time. - BCNU

  5. Hello Arno,

    I trust you are well.
    I've always seen Number 6 as being free of the conditioning he has undergone, by the slapping of his face by the new Number 2, having been brought back to his senses. But an act of desperation....yes. While outside the good citizens of the community go about their business as though there had never been an election.
    Yes, perhaps Number 6 was evaluating how far he could go, and I agree he hadn't been in the Village very long, at least he didn't know where the Town Hall was.
    But it's not only Number 6 who is being manipulated, it is also the press. You will recall how Number 6 is interviewed by No.113, who puts his own answers to his own questions. Yet when Number 6 is given the election edition of The Tally Ho, the article 'No.6 Speaks His Mind' has already been written!

    Kind regards
    Be seeing you
