Saturday 2 June 2012

Teabreak Teaser

   A B and C. Why is Number 2 put under so much pressure right from the very beginning? At least Number 2 of 'Once Upon A Time' had a week, this Number 2 hasn't even got that - three days, why?



  1. I've wondered why they're so pressed for time in "A B & C". Perhaps:

    a. the active ingredients of the "wonder drug" expire quite quickly

    b. perhaps they've only got the operating room booked for a few days before something with a greater priority requires the room

    c. No.2 has borrowed the equipment and has to return it quite soon!

    None of these are truly convincing. If I think of another possible reason, I'll have to call it "d".

    Be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,

      No, I can think of no convincing theory as to why No.2 of 'A B and C' was given so short a time to gain the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation. Its no wonder mistakes were made, even if they had to be!


    2. I've thought of a "d", perhaps the film of Engadine's party came from the Bureau of Visual Records and had to be returned soon, like a rented videotape or DVD


    3. Hello ZM72,

      Yes that's very good, very witty. One observation - the fim cassettes seen in the files of both 'A' and 'B' are very curious. A single reel of film without a second spool for the film to run on, how does that work then? I can't explain it, can you?

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you

    4. I'm not entirely convinced that the reels in the folders are merely film, they may have instead contained computer data about the characters of "A, B & C", i.e. a digitised version of their physical characteristics and personalities. This data could be read by the computer in order to incorporate them into the "dream".
      If a computer was used to create the "dream" it might have required to read forwards & backwards on the cassettes to read different parts of the data.

      be seeing you

    5. Hello ZM72,

      Yes, I can see where you're coming from, the only thing is the reeels are attached to the side of a television monitor, and not a computer. If they are data cassettes, they have been reduced from the usual computer data reels of the time. But then that's Village technology for you, look at the small digital recorder used by Number 2 in the hospital during 'The Chimes of Big Ben!'


  2. The Village has all sorts of technology (including Rover) that is difficult to explain. These mysterious reels are simply included in the list. An early (or later) form of laser disc?

    As for No2 only having three days. This is because the Prisoner can only be allowed three doses of No14's drug. Four would kill him.

    It could be spread out longer than three days, but No1 is a man of few vertues. Patience isn't one of them.

    BCNU (:o)

    1. Hello steve,

      An early form of Laser disc, hadn't thought of that one.

      That's right, a fourth dose of the drug would kill him. The things one forgets! Simple really. But then Number 2 wasn't too concerned with Number 6's well being, as Number 6's collapes, Number 14 wants to stop, that they have pushed him too far. But Number 14 wants to go on, and if it kills him.....he'll worry about that later. Don't forget Number 2 did want a free reign where Number 6 was concerned, but Number 1 tied his hands on that.

