Thursday 2 August 2012

Postcard From The Village

    I was sat on the lawn of the old people's home just the other day, and this chap sat down opposite me. Between us was a chessboard with the pieces set out. "Number Six isn't it?" I asked. "Numbers don't matter" he said "It's how you play the game" and played Pawn to Kings Bishop 3, I replied with the more usual Pawn to King 4. Then, and much to my surprise Number 6 played Pawn to Kings Knight 4! I looked at Number 6 and made my move Queen to Kings Rook 5 checkmate! Number 6 glared at the board, glared at me and stormed off! Fool's mate, I couldn't believe it. Number 6 usually wins in a seven move checkmate, he must have been having an off day!

Be seeing you

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