Thursday 2 August 2012

Thought For The Day

    There has been some discussion in the past regarding the use of nerve gas in the confined space of the basement of the Barber's shop in 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling." But never mind that for now, what about poor old Potter? No I don't mean the one put out in the cold working as a shoeshine boy, I mean Potter who had been shadowing the Colonel/Prisoner so closely, and all the way to Kandersfeld in Austria, only to be nerve gassed in the basement of the Barber's shop by the Chauffeur.
   I've often wondered what happened to Potter. Was he taken to the Village along with the Colonel/Prisoner and Seltzman, who was in all probablity unconscious in the barber's shop from the effects of the nerve gas. Or was Potter simply left there in the basement, and if not for dead, then he would have a great deal of explaining to do. After all he'd not only lost the Colonel/Prisoner, but perhaps more important of all, Professor Seltzman!

I'll be seeing you, I'm off to get my shoes cleaned!

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