Friday 3 August 2012

The Therapy Zone

What Was It That Happened After Appreciation Day?

    During the episode of ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ Number 6, with the aid of the Watchmakers daughter Monique-Number 50, stopped the assassination/execution of the retiring Number 2. I have often wondered what the implications might be for the following day, the day after Appreciation Day?
   I think we can take it that the new Number 2 would still be in place, even after his failure of ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ in that his failure to see the retiring Number 2 executed on Number 1's orders. Because it would be something to bring in another 'new' Number 2 to replace the current 'new' Number 2 having only been appointed to the position.
   But certainly there would be no mass reprisals taken out on the citizens of the village. However I can think that the new Number 2 would make it very hard for No.6, through whose interference brought about Number 2's failure. But then at the time of being the heir presumptive, the plan had been to involve Number 6, so really Number 2 only had himself to blame for his own downfall. Had he not involved Number 6...... well who can say?
   What would take place on the day after 'Appreciation day' is down to anyone's imagination. Perhaps Number 6 retired back into the wood with his home-made gymnasium equipment, keeping himself to himself, as was the case in ‘A Change of Mind.’
   It could be the case that Number 2 looked to take out some reprisal against Number 6 for his involvement in the plan to execute the retiring No.2 of the day before. What those reprisals might be, could range from some form of hospital treatment. A beating from Number 2's 'bully-boys,' after all his subtle plan of the previous day hadn't gone so well had it. And what's more the Appreciation Day monument had been removed, well certainly before the day dawned on ‘A Change of Mind’ it had. My bet would be that the Appreciation Day monument had been removed some time during the night, and that the events of the day before had been swept under the carpet. But Number 1's trust in Number 2 would certainly have been dented, and could not be trusted to execute another audacious plan, such as he had been previously given.
   The heir presumptive of the previous day had actually staked his life on the right result, of things going like clockwork, just as Number 1 had said. It might be that after an interim time this new Number 2 did pay with his life, not having the ability to carry out a simple exercise as in ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ for which it might so easily have been!
  Another idea you will find in my short Story 'Resign Oneslf.'

Be seeing you

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