Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Therapy Zone

Whys And Wherefores

    Over the past 45 years there have been questions and questions asked of the Prisoner, theories and ideas put forward and interpretations made by fans the world over. So here is a second sample of such "whys and Wherefores."

    ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ how do the Village Guardians manage to drag Nadia onto the beach? Why doesn't Number 6 answer the question about having a girlfriend?
    ‘Free For All,’ How did they know Number 6 was going to run for office? Why were Danger Man pictures used on the placards?
   ‘The Schizoid Man,’ How was Alison able to reads Curtis's mind?
   ‘The General,’ how did Number 6 know the Professors head was made of wax?
   ‘Many happy Returns,’ How did the cat manage to stay in the same spot for about 27 days? Were Stowbell and Croydon real estate agents?
    ‘Dance of the Dead, If the cat was drugged in Number 6's home, how did it suddenly appear with Number 2? Is it the same cat from ‘Many Happy Returns?’
    ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ How come The Tally Ho was printed at 10am when it is always issued at noon? Does Number 6 buy a bar of soap everyday? Why does Number 2 use a yellow telephone to talk to No.1 when all the other Number 2's use a red one? Who played the two Number 2's in the plot film?
    ‘A Change of Mind,’ How did the committee men disappear so quickly?
   ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ why did the Colonel count the letters of the alphabet?
    ‘The Girl Who Was Death,’ why did the girl wear a crash helmet in the car?
    In ‘Once Upon A Time’ assuming the drink did kill Number 2, then the reason why it didn't affect No.6 might be because he only took one small sip while Number 2 drank more and got a lethal dose. Question, Why did Number 6 throw his glass down in temper when he should have felt triumphant as the victor of Degree Absolute?
    In The Schizoid Man the pilot knew he had to bring No.6 back because Number 2 had told him to. Watch again as they approach the helicopter. As No.6 goes to speak to Alison, Number 2 says "Excuse me..." and calls the pilot to one side
  Why don't the villagers leave in ‘Fall Out’ the same way as in ‘Many Happy Returns?’ In ‘Fall Out’ there was a mad panic to evacuate the village as quickly as possible, while in the earlier episode their departure was planned and orderly. Incidentally, how did they leave in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ and where the hell were they?
    ‘Once Upon A Time,’ Rover is sitting in Number 2's chair to remind him that failure a second time could be fatal to him.
    ‘Fall Out,’ the frogmen could have been maintenance workers for Rover's underwater cell.
    ‘Many Happy Returns,’ I don't believe the villagers left. We all know about the underground caverns in Fall Out. All that was needed was to induce sleep and removal at night.
    ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ Maybe Number 6 does not answer Nadia's question about not having a girlfriend because, until he arrives home, he is not sure if he still has one.

Be seeing you

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