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Thursday 9 August 2012

Thought For The Day

    The Village is never slow to adapt technology to meet their own designs. Sometimes the technology is complicated, like the Seltzman machine, and the beam used in 'Hammer Into Anvil' to bring down a pigeon. The beam is obviously a defence system, perhaps the one developed by the Rook in 'Checkmate?' Then a simple device is employed to collect Security-Pass discs at check-points in the Town Hall during 'The General,' which is but a simple "Magic Money Box." The Village also appears to have developed "wire-less" technology, you will have observed the black loudspeakers which cannot be turned off, and nor do they have any external wiring of any kind! As for Number 2 in 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' he appears to have gone "digital!" I mean if you look at the little square recording device he uses to report on Number 6 in the hospital, to the Professor's tape recorder for example, you will see that there is no comparison!

I'll be seeing you

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