Monday 3 September 2012

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

  To be perfectly honest any scene between Number 6 and Number 2 during 'The Chimes of Big Ben.' They appear to share, not a relationship, well there has to be a relationship, but not a close one. They share a rapport, something that was not suppoed to have happened.
   I particularly like the two scenes in which Number 2 asks Number 6 "What is it?" and Number 6 explains that it isn't finished yet, that there will be three peices. And Number 6 is using tools which are outside the pail of the law. But Number 2 allows Number 6 to continue because he's delighted to see Number 6 beginning to settle down and joining in at last. The second scene is at the Exhibition of Arts and Crafts, when Number 6 is explaining his sculpture to the Awards Committee, demonstrating Number 6's ability to think on his feet!

Be seeing you

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