Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Therapy Zone

It’s Your Funeral

The New Interim Number 2 {Heir Presumptive} 
Height…. 5 feet 11 inches {approx}
Weight….150 lbs [approx}
Hair…….. Blonde
Age…….. mid thirties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Chief Administrator
Chairman of the village
Left handed
Has the irritating have bit of removing his spectacles every few minutes.
Blonde hair and blue eyes, this Number 2 could so easily be pure ‘Aryan’ race, or of Nordic ancestry at the very least.
Village attire, plain black single breasted blazer, grey polo neck jersey, light blue trousers and deck shoes.
Pale blue pyjamas and ornate orange and black dressing gown and slippers
Wears thick black rimmed spectacles, a tiny radio transmitter hidden in the left ear piece.
Wears a signet ring upon the little finger of his left hand
This interim Number 2 oozes charm and arrogance, and is repulsive as he is devious.
    He has particular irritating habit, as he constantly takes off and puts on his glasses as he speaks with people. Also he has a peculiar way of pulling the most extreme facial expressions when he is speaking on the telephone.
Pouting is another of his mannerisms.
    He is a young and confident man, perhaps a little too over confident at times.
    As cunning as a fox and he will need to be, if he is to out fox Number 6
    Clever too, when Number 8 explains that the quantum permutations of the cause and effect must be included in any efficient prognosis programming of the computer.      He replied that the computer calculated that the behaviour of the woman would change the behaviour patter of Number 6!
    He relies heavily upon the abilities of his assistant Number 100.
    He feels nothing for the citizens of the village, innocent as they are, he will take out reprisals against them. God help them when this new Number 2 has power of life and death over the citizens!
    Number 2 is eager to serve and please, more so to see his efforts recognised by his master Number 1, along with the promise of promotion.
   He is ambitious and keen to see his ambitions realised, and there is more than just a feeling of impatience about this fellow, it is as if he cannot wait to attain the position of Number 2, ‘Chief administrator of The Village’, to step into the dead mans shoes as it were!
   He gushes promises and assurances to number 1 over the telephone, almost sycophantically so.
    He is gratified that his superior Number 1 will show his appreciation towards him that he will be showered by official congratulations.
    He feels nothing for the fact that ‘plan division Q’ is in fact murder! But he does have a quirky sense of humour, when told that the machines refused to give the requested information on appraisal of their own efficiencies, he suggested humorously, ‘that they’ll be wanting their own trade union next!’
    He is out to see that the assassination of the retiring Number 2 is carried out just as planed, this in order to please Number 1 and see himself elevated to the position of Number 2. A position in which he already feels perfectly at home in, as he sits back comfortably in his black spherical chair, his feet firmly on his desk, drinking tea!
    But consider this plan of assassination by explosive for a moment. Surely this Number 2 wasn’t so stupid to think that he would be unaffected by the fatal explosion?
   The great “Seal of Office” worn about the neck of the retiring Number 2, hollow and packed with explosive, when detonated would cause a large explosion, which at the very least would blast pieces of gold metal, not to mention blood, bone and gore over everyone standing with him upon that balcony, including this new number 2 who was closest of all. Surely this interim Number 2 had calculated for the possibility of more than one death, due to the explosion, possibly his own!
   This interim Number 2 does not wear the ‘old school scarf’ as many of his predecessor’s, nor carries the furled umbrella shooting stick about him.
He cannot stand any improvisation carried out on the plan, as this will not only effect the satisfactory conclusion of the plan, but also that of his future should he fail!
   This Number 2, or rather this “interim” Number 2, young pretender to the throne, has been put in the place of chairman of the Village temporarily in order to carry out a plan devised by number 1 himself. It is a plan in which he must get Number 6 interested in, he goes about this by using a weakness in Number 6, his chivalry towards damsels in distress!
This interim Number 2 is heir presumptive to the position of Number 2, and not the only interim number 2 as we shall see.
    The project is falling behind, time is running out for this Number 2, he’s running late as it is and Number 6’s failure to be persuaded by the girl Number 50 didn’t help matters.
   But Number 2 is ready and able to please, carrying out Number 1’s plan just the way he ordered it. He says it will be very spectacular. In fact he stakes his future on the plans success, little knowing that he already has! And as Number 2 it would be down to him to see that reprisals are carried out on the innocent citizens for the assassination upon the retiring Number 2.
   The plan to make Number 6 become interested in the plan, was to see him give the plan credibility, without which the plan may not succeed. But this is also a mistake upon the side of number 1, because to have Number 6’s inclusion in the plan did assure the plans failure!
   On the subject of plans, Number 2 ordered a day’s activity prognosis on Number 6, he is looking for something specific, a moment when Number 6 is parted from his wrist watch. This moment comes when Number 6 is at his semi-weekly Kosho practise. One could question why Number 2 did not wait until night time, when someone could freely enter ‘6 Private and simply exchange Number 6’s wrist watch for that of an identical one. There would therefore be no need for the daily activity prognosis report!
    Number 2 relies much upon his observers do see and hear everything, well they don’t believe everything, and they didn’t seem to take much notice of the friendship seemingly to be developing between Number 50 and Number 6.
    Here we see the contrast between these two number’s, this one cannot finish his speech fast enough, the seal of office about his shoulders and with the possibility of  an explosion about to happen at any moment.
    In the end, the assassination plot was foiled by Number 6 and this would not bode well for Number 2, who had given number 1 so many assurances of the plans success.
And this new Number 2 who has only just been elevated to that position, one can only surmise what action he took upon the day after “Appreciation Day” and the subsequent days that followed. Because surely this new Number 2 would now make life in the Village very uncomfortable for Number 6, even though he did save his life or at the very least, from serious injury!
    There is a look of apparent surprise on his face as he looks up to the sky, to see that the helicopter has not only held its position, but has turned back towards the village!
Could this have been a reprieve for this new Number 2, the fact that the retiring Number 2 is being returned to the Village?
    I am sure that this Number 2 will not forget the fact that one day he will be due for retirement. And when the day comes, they will no doubt organise something equally suitable for him!

Retiring Number 2
Height…. 5 feet 11 inches {approx}
Weight….155 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. White and thinning
Age…….. 60’s {approx}
Nationality….English speaking
Ex -Chief Administrator
Ex-Chairman of the village
He doesn’t seem to recognise Number 6 at first, perhaps he’s not had much direct dealing that that particular individual!
Village attire, double breasted plain black blazer {handkerchief in the breast pocket}, grey polo neck jersey, grey flannel trousers and deck shoes.
Carries about with him, a furled umbrella shooting stick
Wears signet ring on little finger of left hand.
    An man who bears all the hallmarks of one who knows he is expendable, but also one who is looking forward to his retirement.
    He has had a most successful term of office in the village, in fact so successful that he has been allowed a well deserved spell of leave, from which he has just returned.
    This is the first mention of any such Number 2 being permitted leave from the Village. And during that time there has been no fewer than three “Interim” Number 2’s have served in the village while he has been away.
    This Number 2 has away from the Village for some considerable time, as no fewer than three interim Number 2’s to have served during that time.
   This particular Number 2 seems to have concerned himself more with Village amenities rather than security, or breaking its most prize prisoner. Possibly he has been the most industrious of all Number 2’s, amongst his accomplishments in the village are;
   The new golf course
   Clock golf
   The extra “Blue Zone” in the post
   The new Café facilities
   The new flower garden
     And then there are the plans which Number 2 has made for the village;
   The new Concert Hall which is to be built
   The beautiful new mural in the library
   The electrification of the clocks
    When Number 6 first visits him to warn him of the plot against his life, he knows all about these imminent death by violence projects of Number 6’s, the psychiatrists had warned him that this might be the case, Number 6 being unwell, as Number 6 has already cautioned every interim Number 2 who has served here during his absence.     
    This of course convinces him that Number 6 is simply crying wolf, until later that is, when he has done some investigating of his own and when Number 6 returns with full details of how and when he is to die.
   And now this retiring number learns that he is to be assassinated by his own people. It is something which he accepts, not readily, but there is nothing he can do about it.
   He never thought that it would happen to him, but then it never does!
   He can think of better ways to die.
   He has not the strength of character where the Village is concerned, he is weak willed and has not the spirit to at least try to survive.
   However he does however regret the action taken by his own people, as in return innocent people will be blamed, but again there is nothing he can do.
   So this Number 2 does feel something for the citizens of the village.
Throughout he is passive, a little humiliated perhaps, definitely manipulated by his own people, a pawn being used to achieve their own ends.
    This Number 2 sees any attempt of prevention against “Them” as being futile……     “We never fail” he tells Number 6.
    He is the first Number 2 to receive help from number 6, not that Number 6 cares what happen to him. But to save innocent people, number 6 helps number 2.
     He is given the means to escape both his assassination and the village….. the radio detonator. As he makes good his escape, number 6 hampers the new number 2, at some risk to himself.
    Of course there was another course of action open to this number 2, had the assassination plot succeeded, he could had taken many with him, they who stood upon that packed balcony, including the new number 2 who stood next to him.
    This Number 2 may so easily have become a martyr, had he the courage.
We see the contrast between these two Number 2’s, here with the seal of office about his shoulders, he has to prolong his speech, to pan it out waiting for an explosion which never comes.
    But then after the helicopter has taken to the air, carrying its passenger away from the Village, something happens aboard that helicopter to make it turn on itself and fly back towards the village.
   Was the pilot ordered back by some higher authority than Number 2, or could it be that Number 2 realised that “They” would get him eventually, that they will find him wherever he is and so why prolong the agony, why spend his remaining days constantly looking over his shoulder?
So perhaps he felt that it is better to pay now, rather than later!

Interim –Number 2
Height….5 feet 8 inches {approx}
Weight…. 200lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Black and swept back and goatee beard
Age…….. middle aged {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, plain black blazer, grey polo neck jersey, the old school scarf about his neck, grey flannel trousers and deck shoes.
Carries about with him a furled umbrella shooting stick
    This so termed Interim Number 2 bears a most striking resemblance to Number 2 from “The Chimes of Big Ben”.

Interim – Number 2
Height….5 feet 3 inches {approx}
Weight….120 lbs {approx}
Hair……. dark
Age……. Late twenties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking, possible eastern European
Village attire, white sailor’s hat, light blue polo neck jersey, white slacks, the old school scarf about her neck and deck shoes.
Carries about her a furled umbrella shooting stick
This interim number 6 bears some resemblance to Number 2 of “Dance of the Dead” perhaps of “Free for All”.

Number 100 assistant to the Interim Number 2
Height….5 feet 11 inches{approx}
Weight….150lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Black
Age…….. mid thirties {approx}Nationality….English speaking
Village attire, pink piped blazer, black polo neck jersey, grey trousers and deck shoes
    This man, Number 100 is the assistant to the new Number 2, but he is far more than that, he has gone undercover, posing as just another prisoner a fellow conspirator, as he works with the watchmaker upon a plan of assassination.
   He is a cleaver man in the art of indoctrination, having convinced the watchmaker that assassination is the only way of protest, to wake the citizens out of their lethargy.
   They Number 100 and the watchmaker are kindred spirits, comrades.
He is plausible, convincing, confident and credulous.
Credulous in the fact that he does not question the action of his superiors, he sees nothing wrong in the assassination of the retiring Number 2, showing no compunction at being involved in “Plan Division Q” and then to blame innocent people for it.
    Once he smiles at Number 50 as she sits at the Café with Number 6, but underneath this man is cold and heartless, calculating and efficient as well as loyal to the cause of the village. He and his superior are well suited to one another.
    But however cleaver this man is, he is no match for number 6 when it comes to a brawl. Stubbornly he refuses to confess, but struggles on till the end, left lying unconscious upon the gravelled path as he was.
    His failure to over power Number 6 and retrieve the radio detonator device, was the cause and effect of failure for Number 2.
There is a very casual relationship between this man and Number 2, sitting on number 2’s desk as he once does. I can recall many a number 2 who would not permit him to get away with such a thing.
   This man is as confident in his position as Number 2 is in his, following orders without question as he does, he should do well in the village.

Number 22 assistant to the retiring number 2
Height…. 6 feet 2 inches {approx}
Weight….150 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Light Brown
Age……..late twenties {approx}
Nationality….. English speaking.
Village attire, light blue/grey piped blazer, olive green polo neck jersey, grey trousers and deck shoes.
    This man Number 22, bears an uncanny resemblance to a previous assistant of number 2’s, that of Number 14.
    He is the assistant to the retiring number 2, not the new or interim Number 2 and sees “Plan Division Q” as murder, whatever this interim number 2 likes to call it!
What must he be feeling, regarding this plan of assassination against his superior?    
    Certainly there is a feeling of regret, even remorse about him when he speaks to his superior. But the whole situation is beyond his control, or is it that he simply doesn’t want to get involved?
    Certainly this Number 22 cannot be accused of getting involved, he looks to do little if indeed anything in the village, but one thing he can state and with total assurance, that there are no such taped records, subject; “Warning of an assassination plot” at the ‘Bureau of Visual Records’, even though he has no duty functions in that department.
    When asked to explain this, he is sorry, but unable to do so. The fact that he wont explain, explains everything to his superior.
   Although Number 22 can see the injustice of it all, he is powerless and in the end all he can do is go along with it and perhaps wonder about the possibilities his own future in the village.

Supervisor -– Number 28
    So our old friend the supervisor Number 28, having been removed from his position as Supervisor,  has been reappointed to his position in the Rontrol room. Obviously number 1 had observed the injustice done to this man some time ago, by a previous Number 2 who had Number 28 removed as supervisor.

Number 6
    Appreciation Day {if one is to believe the village authorities}occurs annually, this means that the prisoner has been in the village sometime under a year.
    Number 6 who still slumbering in his bed, is suddenly woken up by the soft tread of an intruder.
    His reflexes are as alert and quick as ever, as he grabs the girl pulling her onto the bed!
   He wears dark blue pyjamas and blue and white stripped dressing gown.
   A black leather wristwatch is worn on his left wrist and in bed whilst asleep.
   He is asked for his help in preventing an assassination, but in his cottage at first he advises number 50 to go to the Town Hall “Citizens Council” offers help and advice to everyone! And later as number 50 persists with her plead for help, ‘they’ve heard, they are aware and they don’t need anybodies help’ he barks for all the observers to hear.
    It is not only Monique who needs Number 6’s help, but Number 2 also, but it is a game which Number 6 will not play, he will not go for it, whatever it is so you may as well stop trying.
   Number 6 is also still as stubborn as ever, and not a man easily persuaded.
   He is by this time a very cautious man. ‘many times bitten, forever shy’.
   But then something’s never change, he is still mistrusting of women.
    He is also on a list of malcontents, of which he happens to be “top of the bill”.
    A very active man is our Number 6, early morning exercise with a walk around the village at 6:30 am, daily he climbs the Bell Tower, always watching, waiting, or does he simply like the view?
   He is constantly aggressive.
    7:30 am he has a physical work out in his private apparatus in the woods.
So much does Number 6 value his own privacy, that he has fashioned together his own private apparatus in a clearing in the woods, a high bar and punch bag, which he has sewn together himself from different pieces of cloth, preferring this to the gymnasium in the Recreation Hall. This permitted by the village authorities.
   8:15 number 6 cools down with a spot of water skiing.
   9 am a cup of coffee at the café.
   9:20 am number 6 proceeds on foot to the old people’s home, where he plays a series of chess matches with Number 82.
   Then humours other resident, Number 158 at the old people’s home, by sitting to have his portrait painted, even though the painting is an abstract of shapes and colour, number 6 says that it is a perfect likeness.
   10:19 Number 6 is on his taking his daily stroll through the village, he calls at the kiosk, buys a copy of the newspaper and a bar of soap.
    This seems very predictable of Number 6, he has never been known before for having predictable habits, in the past Number 6 has been known to be full of surprises, as when he buys a bag of candy for Number 36.
    He does seem much accustomed to Village life now, he has even settled down into a daily routine, hence the daily prognosis carried out on Number 6, he has become predictable.
   And we learn that Number 6 never eats ‘candy’, an American idiom.
    This man of steel, a man of strength and wit, who daily fights the village and its authority, who holds out against coercion, who will not bend or break, appears to have one weakness, his compassion and chivalry towards the female sex which appears as strong as ever. Number 6 has always been one to come to the aid of a damsel in distress, something which he cannot seem to resist, age being of no consequence. And here he does it not once but twice, being consistent towards ladies in distress, like poor Number 36 who cannot go a day without her sweets, so he buys a bag of sweets for her, demonstrating his consideration toward his fellow citizens, and number 50, fearful for her father safety who he finally turns to help in trying to dissuade her father from taking such drastic action.
    He likes to keep himself fit, both active in mind and body with a semi-weekly Kosho practise, for this he has to use the village gymnasium.
    Number 6 is without doubt has a great adroitness and aptitude for the art/sport of Kosho as we have seen once before, we see again that this is a popular art/sport with the prisoner and how skilful he is as he despatches his opponent by dunking him into the water tank with great skill and strength.
    But yet he doesn’t recognise the fact that what he sees to be his own wrist watch is in fact a replica, replicated right down to the wear and tear, scratches and knocks of that of the original. So much so that it is quite undetectable form the original!
    Since his arrival in the Village, Number 6 has showed little or no regard for it or its community of citizens as a whole. But now for the first time Number 6 shows some community spirit, after realising that the assassination plot is very much real, he suddenly cares about what will happen to the innocent people who will be blamed for the assassination of the retiring Number 2. Why does he care?
    He teams up with Monique, when having found out that a device to detonate explosives by radio is not a toy, and sets about convincing Number 2 of the assassination plot which is plotted against him, this in order to avoid mass reprisals against innocent people.
   Number 6 is not a man in favour of violent protest.
   He refuse to compromise his ideals, will fight hard for something he believes in.
   Truth, honoured compassion seem to be at the centre of the prisoner’s ethical code.
So is Number 6 beginning to find something of a social conscience? He must not stop the assassination not just for the watch maker’s sake, but for everybody’s sake.
Is he becoming soft, Monique is only the second woman to get close to him since his arrival here.
    Due to his failure to convince the watchmaker to change his mind, and his cleverness as far as Number 2 is concerned, Number 6 still falls into the trap set for him as he brings his warning to number 2 himself, but then how is he to know?
    Number 6 learns about Jamming from Number 158 as he is sitting for his portrait painting. Jammers talk, they talk about the plots they’ve been hatching, plans for all kinds of mischief, done to confuse the observers.
So this is why number 6 is not believed at first, he is seen as a Jammer, simply creating mischief.
    There is again no attempt by Number 6 to escape the village, his concern seems to be only for the sake of others. Even when he has the radio detonator he hands it over to the retiring Number 2.
    Was this a possible escape attempt simply handed over to another, could Number 6 have used the radio detonator himself as a threat? No I don’t think so, if Number 6 had planed to use this device himself, he would have needed someone whom he could trust, to stop the new Number 2 from taking any action against him. But then who could he trust to do that, Monique? She was the only one working with Number 6, it wouldn’t have been possible for to help him.
No, there was no way out for number 6 this time.

It's Your Funeral Continued next time

Be seeing you

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