Sunday 2 September 2012

Caught In The Dark!

   Supervisor-Number 56 "Damn, the light's kaput!"
   "Do you think Number Six has fixed it?"
   "How could Number Six have fixed it? If he's fixed it, the lights wouldn't have gone out in the first place!"
   Number 249 "Should I contact Electrics Control."
   "We'll need a 2 stroke d replacement."
   "You mean a light bulb don't you?"
   "Yes, I suppose I do."
   "Then why not say we need a light bulb replacement?"
   "It sounds more technical to say 2 stroke d replacement."
   "Oh. Well get Electrics Control to switch in emergency power in the meantime."
   "Shall I contact Number Two?"
   "No, he's best left in the dark."
   "Are you trying to be funny?"
   "No. Damn and blast it!"
   "What's the matter?"
   "I banged into that blasted See-Saw thing!"
   "Can't you find the telephono?"
   "What do you think. Have you got a match?"
   "Yes, your face and my.........."
   "Don't say it, just don't say it!"


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