Monday 3 September 2012

The Therapy Zone

Hammer Into Anvil
Profiles  continued

Number 73
Height…. 5feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight…. 120 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark brown
Age……. Mid twenties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Hospital attire, blue night dress and dark brown dressing gown
    This is a tragic figure of a young woman who is in despair and beyond hope.
Her bandage wrists indicate that she has attempted suicide. She would not be the first citizen in the village to turn to suicide as a way out of the Village.
    A young and attractive woman, who has been brought to the village for the sole purpose of telling ‘them’ where her husband is.
But then why cannot the agents of the Village find 73’s husband for themselves, he must be an incredible agent, a top agent perhaps but certainly someone the village authorities are keen to acquire and with the wit and ability to avoid being taken by fair means of foul.
    But having failed to acquire 73’s husband they bring her to the village instead, this in hope of acquiring her husbands whereabouts from her.
73 tells number 2 that her husband is still ‘over there’, that presumably meaning on the other side of either the Iron Curtain or Bamboo curtain.
    She believes her husband to be devoted to her and sees the fact of her husband and the woman Mariah as being a lie.
    Even when confronted with photographic evidence in front of her on the bed, Number 73 closes her eyes against it, still protecting her husband’s memory.
Even after the mental cruelty at the hands of Number 2, Number 73 still refuses to talk.
   The photograph could have been a fake of course, her husband entrapped by the woman Mariah. Although it might simply be a photograph taken during the surveillance of 73’s husband. If that is the case, why don’t thy know where he is? Perhaps they should have bought the woman Mariah to the Village!
    Finally Number 73 can stand no more and is driven to suicide by Number 2, she leaps from her bed and out through the window to her death.

Supervisor – Number 28
Height…. 5 feet 19 inches {approx}
Weight…. 160 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. balding
Age…….. middle aged
Nationality….. English speaking
Village attire, plain black blazer, olive green polo neck jersey, dark grey trousers, deck shoes
Wears steel rimmed spectacles.
     The supervisor number 28 is back on the day shift, a man who is both loyal and a trusted servant to the village.
His only mistake was to read out birthday greetings for number 6 from Number 113.
Obviously this man cannot be in full procession of all facts and details when it comes to each citizen of the village.
   For example, he does not know when Number 6’s birthday is. He does not know that Number 113 was an old woman who died a month ago. And as for the birthday greeting to number 6, he doesn’t know what it means, because it means what it says!
This is enough to see his removal as supervisor by Number 2 himself.
    The supervisor is of course completely innocent and no one is more surprised than he by his removal from his position as supervisor, and none of the Control Room personnel speak up for him either!
The supervisor has no choice but to calmly accept his fate, but through no fault of his own.

The New Supervisor – Number 60
Height…. 5 feet 11 inches {approx}
Weight…. 168 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age……... late thirties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, plain blue blazer, olive green polo neck jersey, blue trousers, deck shoes.
    This man is an assistant who is appointed as the new supervisor, the instant the old supervisor is dismissed.
   He is warned to steer clear of Number 6, otherwise he’ll lose more than his job.
   He is eager to please and to show that he more than capable of handling the position of supervisor.
   He reports instantly to Number 2 the unusual activities of Number 6, for example when number 6 is approaching a restricted area, in the Mangrove walk, making for the hills or the shore.
   But as Number 6 releases the pigeon with its attached massage, the new supervisor over reacts dramatically. Ordering the use of The Beam he orders “Hellfire,” being somewhat over zealous. Which might have incinerated both the pigeon and its message, as at Number 2’s intervention, ‘The Beam’ is set at minimum strength, resulting in the pigeon and its message being brought down some distance away from the village, as the bird was being tracked by Radar at the time.
   So this new supervisor is prone to making rash decisions.
   His word is law in the control room except when over ruled by Number 2, as when he pleads his case over the pigeon.

Laboratory Technicians - Number 242
Number 242 {and cipher clerk}
Height…. 5 feet 9 inches {approx}
Weight…. 156 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age…….. 40’s {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, white coat, black polo neck jersey, black shoes
   This is a man who carries out his duties thoroughly. When nothing is found on the blank sheets of paper, he suggests to his colleague, that they should put them through again.
Not only does he work in the laboratory, but also holds a position in the cipher room.

Number 243
Height…. 5 feet 5 inches {approx}
Weight….154 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age…….. 40’s {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, white coat, black polo neck jersey, black shoes
    This man calls into question why number 2 should want blank sheets of paper tested and for what. He can see for himself that there is nothing on them, that they are in fact just blank sheets of paper!
  In fact he begins to argue with Number 2, but is sent away with a look of disbelief on his face!
   He is not a bit surprised when all the tests are negative and nothing is found on the blank sheets of paper.
   He knows that Number 2 isn’t going to like the results of the tests, but has no option other than to report the findings.
   Who would envy this mans task in hand?
    He is accused of finding a message and not telling Number 2 about it.
    He is accused of being in with number 6.
   But this man is innocent, he has no idea of what Number 2 is talking about.
   What he thinks of Number 2 is locked in his private thoughts!!

Head of the department of Psychiatrics – Number 249
Height…. 5 feet 11 inches {approx}
Weight….190 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. greying and balding
Age…….. mid fifties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, white coat, grey polo neck jersey, grey trousers, white shoes
Wears tortoiseshell rimmed spectacles.
   He receives a telephone call from someone who does not give his number.
The anonymous caller asks about his verdict on our friend, his report on Number 2.
The bemused doctor has no idea of what the caller is talking about, but is quickly sent for by Number 2.
   He has unwittingly become a tool, to be used by Number 6 against Number 2.
   After an interview session with Number 2 and having been shown that his caller was in fact Number 6, the doctor has a problem of convincing Number 2 that he is not preparing a report on Number 2’s mental health.
   That he hasn’t the faintest idea of what Number 2 is talking about.
He does however, have the audacity to suggest to Number 2 that he ask Number 6!
At which of course Number 2 flies into a blind rage.
    If the psychiatrist wasn’t preparing a report on Number 2’s mental health, he might have very well begun one after his interview with him.
 What must the doctor have been thinking as he departed Number 2’s office?
Paranoid, sees conspiracy where there is none.
An unsound mind, perhaps through mental exhaustion
Mental instability. Loss of reason. Not open to suggestions. Flies into a blind rage when his authority is questioned in the slightest way
And suffers from delusions
Number 6 may not be mad, according to their records, but what of Number 2?
By the reaction of Number 2, his mood and blind accusations, the doctor must now have doubts and therefore call into question Number 2’s mental health.
And as he is head of psychiatrics, who would he have reported to, Number 1?

Bomb Disposal – Number 243
Height…. 5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight…. 175 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age……. Mid thirties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, white coat, black polo neck jersey, hard hat and black shoes
    This man would have a position in the laboratory, carrying out other duties, not simply the disposal of bombs. How many bombs have to be dealt with in the village?
What is the possibly of this man having put on the wrong coat?
   No two citizens can have the same number in the village. {well they are not supposed to have, but some do!}
   This man is most certainly not the Number 243 who we met previously. He was a laboratory technician, not bomb disposal!
   So if this man has not picked up the wrong coat, and no two citizens can have the same number, it can be assumed that Number 243 the lab technician has been removed and his number been allocated to another such citizen.
  But then why? This man is clearly no new arrival to the village.
  But he is good at his job, as he carefully dismantles the cuckoo clock piece by piece, only to find that that is all it is…… a cuckoo clock.
Whoever as he suggests tilting the little wooden bird at the figure of Number 2, it may not be the only thing that is ‘cuckoo’ around here!

Height….5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight….168 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age……. 30’ {approx}
Nationality….. unknown
Village attire, blue piped blazer, red and white stripped jersey, blue trousers, deck shoes and hard hat.
This man from security would have many different duties, bomb disposal being just one of them.

Number ?
Height… 5 feet 9 inches {approx}
Weight… 154 lbs {approx}
Hair…… dark
Age……. 30’s {approx}
Nationality… unknown
Village attire, dove grey piped blazer, brown and white stripped jersey, beige trousers deck shoes and a hard hat.
This man, like his colleague in security, would be called upon to carry out numerous duties, bomb disposal being just one such duty.

Cypher Clerk – Number 123
Height…. 5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight…. 126 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age…….. mid twenties {approx}
Village attire, white coat black polo neck jersey black shoes and slacks
   This young woman is blamed for the fact that the computer is not programmed for this new code pat a cake, pat a cake…..
But that is what she put in and that is what came out.
I mean you cant take out what you don’t put in!

The Butler
 A faithful manservant who was thrown out og the Green Dome though no fault of his own. His next stop would be the Citizens Advice Centre to see what his rights are, for information regaring re-housing. And then to the Labour Exchange to seek further employment. the question is, who else in the Village would warrent a Butler?

Observers and Control Room Personnel
Male and female
Village attire, a mixture of dark and grey polo neck jersey’s, black trousers and slacks
    An increase in vigilance has been called for by the new number 2, and all posts have been alerted, with special surveillance on number 6.
Observers, with Radar, and Sonar operatives.
     Doesn’t seem to have worked in the control room, well no one spotted Number 6 secretly observing number 14 as he entered ‘6 Private’. Or when he was setting his trap for the pigeon!
   No one reported on the non-existing telephone call to Number 6 by someone who was supposed to be impersonating Number 2.
   Fine they couldn’t find any ship at sea, or aircraft or submarine, because there wasn’t any. Nor was there anyone watching for Number 6’s visual signal!
   Not one of the control room personnel spoke up for the supervisor at the time of his removal. But then they would have been removed and seen to be members of the conspiracy against Number 2.

The Shopkeeper –Number 12
Height…. 5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight…. 135 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. greying and thinning
Age…….. late forties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Slight of build, thin and wiry.
Village attire, blue and white stripped apron, straw boater, beige turtle neck jersey, grey trousers and deck shoes.
    It appears that much to the contradiction of the previous number 2, the shopkeeper number 99, did not make it back onto the chessboard!
    The general appearance and character of this new shopkeeper number 12, is one which can only be described as that of a weasel!
He is an informer, one of these posts we hear so much about.
Number 12 observes the strange activity of number 6, as he listens to each of the Bizet records, as he then writes something down on a piece of paper, sees the single ringed word with a question mark in the Tally Ho.
And once his customer {number 6} departs his shop, the shopkeeper cannot wait to call number 2, then to depart his shop himself and with records and copy of the Tally Ho tucked under his arm, goes running off to squeal on number 6 to number 2.
    The shopkeeper number 12, is a man who clearly sees his duty to both the village and its community, and carries out that duty with the utmost diligence.
Again as number 6 purchases a cuckoo clock, he immediately calls number 2, informing number 2 that number 6 didn’t want the one ‘he’ picked. He was looking for a specific one!
But then weasel’s are easily fooled, he fell for number 6’s plan hook, line and sinker!
However saying that, this weasel could only report to number 2 upon what he had seen, and that is exactly what he did, what number 6 wanted him to do!

The Band Leader – Number 202
Height…. 5 feet 8 inches {approx}
Weight….145 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. brown
Age…….. late thirties {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, colourful stripped cape, straw boater, brown/orangey jersey, light blue trousers deck shoes.
   Here is an ordinary citizen of the village, who while conducting the Brass Band during the regular Brass Band concert, quite innocently takes a request from Number 6…….. The Farendale from Larlesienne suit.
He does not notice that Number 6 simply walks away without listening to the piece being played.
However it is enough to see him brought before Number 2.
Number 2 wants to know what else Number 6 said to him.
He is urged to remember, but there is nothing to remember.
Did Number 6 say anything about number 2?
But of course the Band leader doesn’t know what Number 2 means, he’s as much in the dark as he is, because nothing else was said, by him or indeed Number 6.
This man is as innocent as those before him, drawn into the web of intrigue as he is by number 6.

Kiosk Attendant – Number ?
Height…. 5 feet 2 inches {approx}
Weight…. 105 lbs {approx}
Hair……... dark blonde
Age……… early twenties {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking {possibly was born in the village}
Village attire multi coloured stripped jersey, grey slacks deck shoes.
Young, attractive, there seems no apparent reason for her being in the village, unless she came willingly or was born here.
She has a job in the village, working as a kiosk attendant.
Takes messages from citizens to place in the personal column of the Tally Ho.
The girl recognises Number 6’s personal message as being Spanish and the word ‘Aldea’ being Spanish for village.
She does not inform Number 2 about Number 6’s message, because it is number 14 who found it.
So this young kiosk attendant, is not a ‘post’ in the village!
The Waiter –Number ?
Height…. 6 feet {approx}
Weight…. 154 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. light brown
Age……. Mid twenties {approx}
Nationality… English speaking {possibly born in the village}
Village attire, short white coat, white shirt and black tie, black shoes.
  Unlike the kiosk attendant, this waiter fellow is indeed a ‘snitch’, a ‘post’ in the village, reporting direct to Number 2 himself.
And as with the shopkeeper he can only report on what he sees, and in this case it is Number’s 6 and 14 whispering together.

Number 14’s henchmen
Number ?
Height…. 6feet {approx}Weight…. 180 lbs {approx}
Hair……. Black and receding
Age……. Forties {approx}
Nationality…. Unknown
Village attire light grey polo neck jersey, dark blue trousers, baseball boots

Number ?
Height…. 5 feet 10 Inches {approx}
Weight…. 185 lbs {approx}
Hair……. Black
Age……. Forties {approx}
Nationality…. unknown
Village attire brown and white stripped jersey, blue trousers, deck shoes

Height…. 6 feet {approx}
Weight…. 180 lbs {approx}
Hair……. Light Brown
Age……. Forties {approx}
Nationality…. Unknown
Village attire black and white stripped jersey, grey trousers, deck shoes

Next time It’s Your Funeral

Be seeing you

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