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Monday 3 September 2012

In Analysis - Escape

    Soon after his ‘Arriva’l here in the Village the Prisoner-Number 6 makes two escape attempts, one completely off the cuff and employing one of our own vehicles, a Mini Moke Taxi as he heads for the "outer Zone" along the beach, and the other, somewhat more audaciously, using an "Electro pass" and by helicopter - an Alloutte II. Both attempts fail, the one resulting in the Prisoners first encounter with the white membranic mass the village guardian. And being flown back to the village aboard the helicopter by remote control.
    So it seems that the Prisoner-No.6 is desperate to escape the village, but not only to escape, but to come back, to destroy it, obliterate it off the face of the Earth and Number 2 with it seems during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ which sees Number 6's third escape attempt aided and abetted by Number 8 who proclaims to know the whereabouts of the village!
    During ‘Free for All’ No.6 attains the lofty position of Number 2 Chairman of the village and attempts not to simply escape himself, but to instigate a mass breakout by the citizens of the village. yet as his words "This is our chance...this is our chance, take it now. I have command, I will immobilise all electronic controls....Listen to are free to are free to go. Free to go... free to go...You are free to go....You are free, free, free to go....I am in command obey me and be are free to are free to are free to to go" booms out across the village from the confines of No.2's office in the Green Dome, none of the villages citiznes takes the least bit of notice of this new Number 2's commands. It appears that no one wants to be free, certainly not by their own free will, and nor by command! It seems to me that in his new position of the new Number 2, which does not last that long, Number 6 is forcing his own will upon that of the people, the same people who elected Number 6 to the position of Number 2 in the first place. But then everyone votes for a dictator!
    Strangely enough it isn't until we reach the episode of ‘Many Happy Returns’ that Number 6 finds himself in the unusual position of not only being alone in the village, but also being able to escape the village, completely unhampered, but this time by raft. Well the mountains provide no safe passage and seem quite un-scaleable and there seems to be no road out of the village, ending in a track way into the fields beyond. So the sea provides the only outlet for escape from the village for Number 6, but a dangerous one I have to add. However along the way the supposed gun runners give timely help to the escaping Number 6, and just when he needs it most, having collapsed from exhaustion upon his raft! But it all once again is to no avail, as he goes running back to London and eventually seeking the help of his ex-colleagues in order to solve his mystery of the village. A trusting sole this No.6, and after being betrayed by his ex-colleagues and friend during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ the Colonel and Fotheringay. However its not all bad, as Mrs Butterworth is on hand to welcome Number 6 upon his return to the village, with a smarmy smile and a birthday cake which she promised to bake him back in London just as long as he comes back!
    During the episode of ‘Checkmate’ Number 6 discovers a way to distinguish between the whites and the blacks, to identify the warders from the prisoners. And upon selecting his reliable men Number 6 sets out to organise an escape. But his problem is that the Rook-No.58 uses No6's own methods, and having tested Number 6 comes to the conclusion that No.6, being the bossy one, and having taken control of this little venture must therefore be a Guardian and not a Prisoner!
    Strangely enough the escape attempt made during ‘Checkmate’ would be the last Number 6 would make, save for what was thought to have been the final escape during the mass evacuation of ‘Fall Out.’ So why didn't Number 6 escape at the end of ‘It’s Your Funeral?’ Well it was a question of trust. Number 6 did have the detonator device in his hands sure enough, but who was there Number 6 could trust enough to stop the new Number 2 from removing the chain of office about his neck as Number 6 did in allowing the retiring Number 2 to escape in the way he did, or did he? But that's another matter for another time. And then there was ‘Do Not Forsake Me oh My Darling,’ Number 6 escapes in someone else’s body, and that of the Colonel of all people, that certainly would not be to his liking at all!
No as it was to turn out, Checkmate was to be the last chance for Number 6 to escape the confines of the village, until the time of ‘Fall Out’ that is.

Be seeing you

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