Thursday 6 September 2012

Postcard From the Village

    Last night I watched 'the Prisoner' episode of 'Checkmate,' on the grounds that yesterday was the 46th anniversary of the commencement of filming of the series at Portmeirion. And it was during that screening that I observed something for the first time. It didn't come as a revelation or anything. It's not even that important, but simply an observation made, the likeness between No.2 played by Peter Wyngarde, and the bust of Voltaire!
   And there is something else. On the evening of the attempted escape, the automatic signal being transmitted by the Rook, suddenly stops. The Prisoner Number 6 dashes off to see what's happened. On the shore he finds the abandoned homemade raft, and there is no sign of the Rook. Suddenly there is the sound of a ship's horn and a light peering out of the darkness. suddenly the Prisoner has two choices, to return to the Green Dome and his confederates, or to forge ahead with the attempted escape. To Number 6 the desperation for escape is so strong within him, that he chooses the latter, in essence he's decided to look after Number 1!


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