Friday 7 September 2012

The Therapy Zone

A Change of Mind
Profiles  continued

Number 56 {head of the ladies sub-appeal committee}
Height…. 5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight….168 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. blonde
Age…….. mid 40’s {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, blue trilby hat, colourful stripped cape, blue polo neck jersey, blue slacks and deck shoes
    A rather stout, strong willed, brusque, forceful and outspoken woman who brandishes an umbrella like a well wielded sword.
She is the leader of the ladies appeal sub committee, and surely no one would challenge her for that position.
She sees in Number 42 considerable moral courage to volunteer for social work of this nature.
How she came to be in the village, well why is anyone here?
But one thing is clear, the ladies appeal sub committee is just another tool to be used by Number 2, and she with it!

Number 93
Height…. 6 feet {approx}
Weight…. 200 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. grizzled with a full beard
Age…….. mid to late 40’s {approx}
Nationality….. English speaking
Village attire, Orangey/red polo neck jersey, blue trousers and deck shoes
    We have met with this fellow previously, he was one of the two prefects at the time of “The General”.
    Back then he was an upstanding member of the community, but had a different number back then 256. So what happened to that upstanding member of the community, to bring him to the point of being inadequate, disharmonious, and Unmutual. This man is no longer an individual, even if he ever was one, for as he stands upon the rostrum to make his confession, he happily repeats that which he is told to say, blindly and unquestioningly. But he is grateful, truly grateful.
   The Village has knocked the stuffing out of this once brash citizen, he is now a man of clay, which the village authorities can mould to any shape they want to fit!

Number 42
Height…. 5 feet 7 inches {approx}
Weight….126 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark/in a bun under her hat
Age…….. mid 20’s {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, blue and white hat, light blue polo neck jersey, blue slacks and deck shoes
She is a poet and was composing when she failed to hear Number 10’s greeting.
That then was Number 42’s crime, which ultimately has here brought before the committee.
    Number 42 seems to be in a state of perpetual depression, always in tears and in desperate need of help.
   How she came to be in the village?
  Was she born here?
    Clearly Number 42 is not happy with her surroundings.
However the short spell with the social group, does seem to have done her a power of good. Because it isn’t long before Number 42 regains her confidence, the tears all dried up, her depression gone and in no time at all becomes a member of the ladies appeal sub committee.
Such a transformation and in such a short space of time, from weeping willow to an arrogant fanatic!
    “Bitterness will not help you number 6, you have brought your misfortune upon yourself” she snaps at the Prisoner, no longer afraid of her own shadow.
   And then later…… “They’re socially conscious citizens and are provoked by the loathsome presence of an Unmutual” snaps Number 42, in her new found brusque manner, which matches that of Number 56.
    Earlier she blames Number 6 for trying to undermine her rehabilitation, disrupt her social progress. This is indeed strange talk for a poet!
    Poets are generally a dangerous breed, they have dreams and dreams are dangerous, their poetry can be subversive, however this does not seem to apply to number 42. Those are certainly not the words of the previously depressed Number 42, who would sooner cry into her handkerchief, than say boo to a goose!
    So is this how it is, citizens not strong enough within themselves and at the ridicule of others, forced to conform through bullying and fear?
Shaped to fit as they say, afraid of being the odd one out!

Number 58
Height…. 6 feet {approx}
Weight…. 160 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age…….. late 20’s {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, light brown and white stripped jersey, light blue trousers and deck shoes
    This man is nothing but a bully and a thug, probably sent by Number 2 to taunt and pick a fight with Number 6 at his woodland gymnasium.
    A fight for which they could report Number 6 too the committee for, and ultimately did so.
    And having been beaten in one fight by Number 6, he returns later, when it was thought Number 6 to be too much of a social convert, no longer having the stomach for a fight, this so that he can exact his revenge upon the prisoner.
But even then, number 58 is no match for Number 6, and neither is his colleague number 16.
   Had it not been for this man’s intervention, along with his colleague, Number 16, who were out for personal revenge, Number 6’s recovery may not have been so swift, and Number 2’s downfall may have been averted.

Number 16
Height…. 5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight…. 150 lbs {approx}
Age……… late 20’s {approx}
Nationality…. English speaking
Village attire, orange and white stripped jersey, blue trousers and deck shoes
    This man together with number 58, is nothing but a bully and a thug. Taunting number 6, picking a fight with him, knowing that it is two to one, but even these are not safe odds, not when a man like Number 6 is about.
He and his fellow thug are quickly beaten and go crawling off in to the bushes, back to the village, either to report straight to the committee, of Number 2 first.
Like Number 58, Number 16 is just another of Number 2’s henchmen, a tool to be used by him, in his battle with Number 6.

Number 46
Height…. 5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight…. 160 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. dark
Age…….. late 40’s {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, brown and white stripped jersey, blue trousers and deck shoes {a dressing gown whist a patient of the hospital}.
    This man is not odd, different, he is one of the lucky ones, he was an Uunmutual.
   He has undergone the ordeal of instant social conversion, now his world is peaceful and quiet. For him there is no more agitation, no excitement.
    The Village authorities will no longer bother with this man, as there is nothing more that they can do to him. He will be let alone and allowed to live out his life in perfect peace.
Perhaps this man “is” one of the lucky ones.

Number 202
Height…. 5feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight… 140lbs {approx}
Hair……. Black
Age……. 20’s
Nationality… Oriental
    Village attire black donkey style jacket, blue and white stripped jersey, blue trousers and deck shoes.
    Speaks excellent English.
    He sees that there can be no mitigation in the case of Number 42, that we all have a social obligation to stand together. The fact that Number 42 failed to hear number 10’s greeting while composing poetry as a neglect social principles. Spoken like a true party member.
    It is possible that Number 202 is the brother of the oriental girl Number 10.
   He sees Number 6’s disruption of the social group meting as both reactionary and rebellious.
   Divided against a fellow member of the social group, but united against number 6, accusing him of being a reactionary..

Number ?
Height….5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight….140 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Black
Age……. 20’s {approx}
Nationality… indeterminate…..some where on the Mediterranean
Village attire orange and white stripped jersey, beige trousers and deck shoes
    Speaks good English but with an indistinguishable accent.
He sees that there can be no exceptions, not even in the case of Number 42, who he sees as an unfortunate girl who the group is set to help.
 Divided against Number 202, but united against Number 6 who he accuses of being a rebel.

Number 58
Height…. 5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight…. 166 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. light brown
Age…….. mid 30’s {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, light brown and white stripped jersey, blue trousers and deck shoes
    This man is undergoing aversion therapy, strapped in a chair and facing a screen showing film of the village guardian, the word ‘UNMUTUAL’ and the leering and menacing face of Number 2.
    Electrodes are attached to his temples and wrists.
    He becomes extremely agitated by what he sees upon the screen.
    This is another form of treatment for the Unmutual, treatment which Number 6 does not have to go through.

The Butler
    Why he is in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, while in attendance of a Committee hearing, and what his duties might be there, is unknown.

Members of the Committee
   Who are dressed in the same attire as the members of the Town Council seen in ‘Free for All.’

Next time Do not forsake Me Oh My Darling
Be seeing you

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