Sunday 9 September 2012

The Therapy Zone

Do Not forsake Me Oh My Darling
Profiles continued

Janet Portland
Height….5 feet 3 inches {approx}
Weight….112 lbs {approx}
Hair……..Mid brown, done up in a short bun
Age…….Early thirties {approx}
Nationality…. English
    Attire, a light blue knee length coat, light coloured knee length dress, stockings, black flat shoes, black gloves. A pearl necklace’ and carrying a black handbag
Black Chiffon gown, embroidered with sequins, black high heel shoes, diamond earrings, but no engagement ring
    A one time debutant out of finishing school
Not altogether unattractive
    One who loves to do the social round of parties, she being something of a socialite.
Janet is always polite, even when going through the motions of dancing, her mind not exactly on her dancing or with her partner, she smiles politely as though it is!
   Does not work, but enjoys a generous allowance from her father.
   For special occasions, she has her dresses made for her.
   She enjoys regular trips to the hair dresser, but never strays from her hair style.
   Janet has not embraced the sixties, she has the adopted dress code of the 1950’s.
   The homely kind of woman, not the domestic type, but one who can also be of the demanding kind
   Not the type of woman to take any sort of risk
   Not the kind of woman to enjoy her fiancés car, as open topped it hurtles along the open road. The wind in your hair, the rain on your cheek!
   Being in her late thirties, Janet is passing the marrying age.
   So why exactly is Janet marrying the prisoner? Perhaps she sees him as being her last chance of marriage! But he is hardly her type, especially knowing the sort of work he did for her father, the dangers and all. After all had she not seen or heard anything of him for a year now?
    What kind of marriage would that have been? Perhaps Janet would try and persuade him to take a desk job, so that she could have him at home each and every evening.
    Janet is something of a forlorn woman, forsaken and unhappy, because she does not know where her fiancé is. She was not told by her fiancé of his intention to resign, nor had her father Sir Charles, bothered to tell her in the whole year that followed that her fiancé had indeed resigned.
    But then comes a ray of hope, she has seen his car parked outside his house, expecting him to be back. And finding that he isn’t, Janet goes off to see her father.
But things are no better after her interview with her father, in fact things are worse, its awful, because Janet doesn’t know whether her father is telling her the truth or not!
    So really one can feel sympathy towards Janet, because she has not seen or heard of her fiancé for a year, and is unable to get a straight answer out of her father!
    In the end Janet latches onto the only hope she has left, the Colonel, who she believes has a message from her fiancé, a message which only he could give.
    The caress of her cheek, a kiss to each cheek, a kiss to her nose and the passionate kiss and embrace tells Janet, that the man before her is her fiancé, even though he may not look like him!
    Then just as Janet is trying to come to terms with what is happening, the prisoner is taken from her for a second time!
   It seems that Janet, although having not given up completely on her fiancé, it appears that she no longer wears her engagement ring, which I would think a little suggestive.

Sir Charles Portland
Height….6 feet {approx}
Weight….210 lbs {approx}
Age……..Sixties {approx}
Nationality… English
Occupation.. High Ranking Civil Servant
Salary……… £10,000 per year {approx}
Lives in a large house government house, paying little or no lease
    Attire, dark jacket, grey trousers, grey waistcoat, white shirt, blue stripped tie
A red rose in the button hole of his left lapel
Sir Charles is a keen Rosarian.
A man of the old school, and probably of the old boy network!
    A well spoken, well educated gentleman is Sir Charles, a man who has risen to the head of his department, a high ranking civil servant, having attained a position of authority, dealing as he does in top secret and confidential matters.
Received his schooling either at Harrow or Eaton.
    His Knighthood received by having reached a certain level within the civil service, or could at one time served as a foreign ambassador.
    He is a man who is not without power and influence.
    He has a daughter Janet, who he has seen given an excellent education at a good school, including finishing school
    Janet turns to her father for help and advice, suggesting that his wife is no longer around to help, possibly deceased.
    He is going to not lose a daughter as much as gain a son in law! The Prisoner asked for his daughters hand in marriage, which shouldn’t have come as a shock to him, but it did none the less!
    The office of Sir Charles Portland is very elaborately decorated, and extremely comfortable, which implies that he spends a great deal of time there, or he simply likes his creature comforts that his lofty position affords, or possibly both!
    He is the member of a club, to which he takes his daughter’s fiancé {with whom he shares a favourite dish, Jugged Hare} for very long lunches.
    His daughter, being in her early thirties, was getting past the marrying age. So perhaps Sir Charles was happy for the prisoner to marry his daughter, simply so that someone takes her off his hands, perhaps he saw that Janet would not do better than this man from his department. It probably came as a shock to him that anyone would want to marry his daughter at such a mature age!
    Sir Charles Portland had been charged with finding Professor Seltzman. He has had all the bright boys go through the transparencies with a fine tooth comb, trying to detect any such clue they may contain, as to the whereabouts of Seltzman. 
    A colleague suggests that we do not know if there is a problem, and if there is on what level of reasoning it is set. Sir Charles is not convinced that they haven’t found it yet, and does not accept that is impossible to do so.
    So is Sir Charles Portland the highest authority who sends the Colonel to the Village, this to set about finding Seltzman, knowing full well that the last person to have contact with Seltzman, is now a resident of the village?
   He is after all a man keen to keep secrets! Or is Sir Charles not in any way connected to the village, and this then simply a race to see who gets to Professor Seltzman first?
    When his daughter accuses him of knowing where her fiancé is all the time, having sent him on a mission, and asked if her fiancé is unable to get in touch with her, Sir Charles tells her that he honestly doesn’t know.
     He also tells his daughter that he has no idea where her fiancé is, and infers that he doesn’t know anyone who does. Nor has he sent him upon a mission, and what’s more he is telling Janet more than he should, he shouldn’t even be telling her that.
In fact it has been a year since his daughters fiancé resigned and he has not in all that time told is daughter that fact. He has, for reasons of his own, put his daughter through this hell, of not knowing.
    So even Sir Charles is answerable to someone…. Number 1 perhaps!
    It seems Sir Charles cannot even give his daughter a straight answer, and seems little effected by the fact that his daughter doesn’t know whether he is telling her the truth or not.
    What kind of father is Sir Charles, he would sooner keep the secret of his department, rather than spare his daughter from her heartache and despair, of not knowing anything as to what has happened to her fiancé.

Professor Jacob Seltzman
Height….6 feet {approx}
Weight….154 lbs {approx}
Hair……..White, receded hair line
Age……..Late sixties {approx}
Nationality…. Austrian Jew
Religion…….. Jewish
    Attire, white coat, black trousers, whit shirt and blue/grey tie
Brown tow piece suite, white shirt, red/grey tie and brown shoes
Born in Kanderfeld, Austria
   A friend to the prisoner, who he had helped in being keeping him safe from certain authorities who have been searching for him, like the village and the department of    Sir Charles Portland. So much so that know one knew where he was.
   Seltzman has spent much time in Great Britain, visiting Loch Ness, the Yorkshire Moors, Dartford, Beachy Head.
    This before he returned to the village he was born in, through Europe, Paris being one of the cities he visited on the way.
    He certainly kept himself on the move, well if both sides had been after him for any considerable length of time, he would have to.
    However a brilliant a scientist he is, he is not an inspired photographer. However he is a skilled cryptographer, encoding the negative photographs in the way he did.
Also a skilled Barber is Jacob Seltzman, as having returned to the village where he was born, under the assumed name of Herr Hellan and the profession of being a Barber.
    He developed a machine which can transfer the mind of one man into the body of another. The peaceful implications of this mind transfer process, would mean a form of immortality. As for example, the mind of an aging scientist placed in that of a much younger body. That scientist would then free to carry on with his/her work.
As indeed was Doctor Seltzman, free to continue his experiments in peace!
    So what were the origins of the Seltzman mind transference? In India perhaps, where the advanced Yogi is capable of living in a state of suspended animation for months, his mind and body disassociated.
Or was it in one of the Nazi concentration camps leading up to and during the Second World War?
    In 1939 Professor Seltzman would have only been approximately 39 years old, perhaps a little older. Having worked on this theory of mind transference, Professor Seltzman would then set about building his machine during the late twenties and into the early 1930’s.
    Yet In order to be able to take the discipline of the Yogi several stages further, he would have to carry out experiments, and in order for him to carry out his experiments, Seltzman would require subjects! But where would he have found such subjects, surely there would not have been an influx of volunteers for such experiments?
    March 12th 1938 saw the Anschlus, when  Nazi Germany incorporated Austria into the Third Reich.
    Professor Jacob Seltzman being a Jew would not have been tolerated by the Nazi’s, yet his one saving grace seems to have been the fact that he was a scientist and had been carrying out mind transference experiments, something which the Nazi’s would have been most interested in and if proved to be possible something which the Nazi’s would have been quick to employ.
    Deported from Austria seltzman would have found himself deposited into one of the concentration camps in Eastern Europe, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau or Belsen.
Seltzman probably worked under duress, but did so for two, the first being his survival, the second to further his experiments.
    The concentration camps where so many inhuman medical experiments were carried out would mean an almost unlimited supply of subjects for his experiments!
    But life has not taught Seltzman sweet resignation. Nor has it for Rutherford, how he must have regret having split the atom. So did Professor Seltzman regret his experiments of mind transference?
    No, because at the end of the day, having been brought to the village, it was found that the good Doctor had progressed further than any of them had anticipated, he did change the minds of three people at the same time. And now he was free to continue his experiments in peace! Seltzman probably disappeared at the liberation of a concentration camp, April 29th 1945. Or was he, after all even if Seltzman was able to escape the Village, his chances being extremely thin, the Village authorities knew exactly what he now looked like and surely it would only be a question of time before they regained him back to the village, but more instantly than later I should have thought!

Villers – PR12
Height….5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight….140 lbs {approx}
Hair……..Dark, receding
Age……..Late forties {approx}
Nationality… English
Occupation.. Civil Servant
Salary……… £110 per month {approx}
Christian name…. unknown
    Attire, Dark two piece business suit, white shirt, dark tie, black shoes
Known only by his code number, this man is a little more than a petty bureaucrat. Superior to Danvers, but subservient to Sir Charles Portland

Jonathan Perigrine Danvers
Height….5 feet 10 inches {approx}
Weight….154 lbs {approx}
Age…….Mid Thirties {approx}
Nationality…. English
Occupation… Minor Civil Servant
Salary………. £100 per month {approx}
    Attire, dark two piece business suit, white shirt, dark tie, black shoes
Born in Bootle
Took elocution lessons
Came to London and joined the civil service in 1948 as a junior clerk
   Now he is nothing more than a petty bureaucrat.
Was moved to his current department 3 years later mainly at the request of the typing pool
In March 1958 he took a woman to Paris
    So Danvers appears to be something of a ladies man!
Probably sexually harassed the female members of the typing pool.
He is subservient, obeying instantly the order of his superior PR12.
Danvers is also the new face behind the desk! Because his is the office into which the prisoner stormed in and handed over the letter of his resignation.

Potter – BX4
Nationality….. English
Occupation…. Civil Servant
Salary……….. £150 per month {approx}
Christian name….. unknown
    Attire, dark two piece business suit, white shirt, dark tie and black shoes
The agent assigned to follow to the prisoner/Colonel, every inch of everywhere he goes.
   He is lead to Professor Seltzman by the Colonel.
   Dedicated to his job, and working for the same department of Sir Charles Portland, making him and the prisoner once colleagues together.
   He is good at what he does
   Armed and trained to kill
   But what happened to him, once he had regained consciousness from the effects of the nerve gas?
   If Potter had not also been abducted to the village, and I see no possible reason for his being so, he would probably have some difficult explaining to do to his department colleagues, if not to Sir Charles Portland himself!

The Undertaker
Height….6 feet 3 inches {approx}
Weight….168 lbs {approx}
Hair……..Black, thinning
Age…….late forties
Nationality….. ?
    Attire, black overcoat, black two piece suit, black top hat, black hoes and gloves
Two piece business suit, white shirt and dark tie.
Green jacket, black trousers and green peaked cap
   An agent of the village, who moves freely beyond its confines, an operative who abducts people to the village, under the guise of an undertaker, well who would suspect him of being anything more?
  That is a fact which proves him to be a most trusted functionary of the village.
  He was also assigned to keep a close surveillance eye upon the Prisoner/Colonel.
  He follows both Potter and the colonel to Kandersfeld, where in the cellar of the barbers shop he gases both Potter and The Colonel.
  Then has the job of returning both the Colonel and Professor Seltzman to the village, and would suggest that this undertaker is not arrived at Kandersfeld alone, but with a colleague, a fellow undertaker, but in what guise?

World Camera’s Shop Proprietor
Height….6 feet {approx}
Weight….224 lbs {approx}
Age……..Mid fifties
    Attire, dark two piece business suit, white shirt, tie and black shoes
He is as he appears to be, nothing more, nothing less. But he was nervous at having to show the Colonel that his transparencies had been signed out before, to a Mr Carmichael.

Austrian Café proprietor
Weight…. 215 lbs {approx}
Height…. 5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Hair…….. Black
Age…….. mid thirties {approx}
Nationality…. Austrian
    Dressed in a pseudo Austrian grey and green jacket which is too large for him, a white decorated shirt, black trousers with a black bow tie as worn by waiters all over the world.
A friendly affable chap, rotund man with a cheery voice and a welcoming smile makes him an ideal proprietor of a Café.
There is no irony in his voice as he welcomes the Colonel to the village.

Next time Living In Harmony
Be seeing you

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