Saturday 8 September 2012

Village Observation

   Number 8 being a young man in ‘Living in Harmony’, so something must surely have happened to the former  
Number 8 to make the number possible for allocation to the young man in ‘Living in Harmony’ but also to
Number 8 of the Cipher room in ‘It’s Your Funeral’ and in turn something surely must have happened to her
to make the number 8 vacant once more, promotion perhaps? Demotion? The former Number 8 Nadia
Rakovsky was presumably allowed to leave the Village. The current Number 8 having become dillusional,
committed suicide! The Village appears to enjoys a particularly high suicide rate. As Number 53 once said
"One day I'll die and beat you all!"

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David!
    Same for the poor Number 8 in Checkmate! Perhaps she suffered a similar fate as Dutton?

    I could imagine what shines through here is an affectation of the script writers for yet another Number that can be turned upside down, but without changing anything.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      Yes, I should have included Number 8 of 'Checkmate,' very remiss of me. In the original script, Number 8 goes to sea with Number 6 on that toy raft, and they are aboard M.S. Polotska together!
      As the experiment with Number 8 had failed, the hypnosis would have to be reversed, to stop her believing she was in love with Number 6. Certainly Number 8 was not put back on the chessboard the next day, nor was Number 19-the shopkeeper for that matter!

      Kind regards
