Wednesday 10 October 2012

It's A Question of 6 - 1 Being The Answer!

       I was struck the other day by a thought that concerned itself with No.1. We have no idea who No.1 is, not until he is unmasked in 'Fall Out' as someone who looks to be the perfect double of No.6, his doppleganger, or as we've been led the believe, his alter ego. And most certainly, as far as we can tell, No.6 doesn't know who No.1 is until that unmasking moment.
   However, if we take the premis that the doppleganger, or even the alter ego of No.6 has been No.1 all the time, then it is no wonder 'they' knew how No.6 would react in any given situation. That he would not be able to resist standing for electoral office given the opportunity. Or to attempt to escape when the opportunity presents itself. Or to take to the side of the people and become it's protectorate, even to become an avenger to right a wrong. More then that, it meant that No.1 knew why the prisoner resigned in the first place! What's more it also works in reverse, that No.6 is partly responsible for the Village, and for what takes palce there!
   "Who is Number One indeed!" Number 6 must have known all along!

I'll be seeing you

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