Wednesday 10 October 2012

Thought For The Day

    Why does Number 2 take the Prisoner to the Labour Exchange? It's not as though they are going to seek him gainful employment in the Village. Once in the Labour Exchange Managers office, Number 20 has a questionaire for the Prisoner to fill in, details of race, religion, hobbies, what he lkes to read, what he likes to eat. What he was, what he wants to be. Any familiy illnesses, any politics?
   It's strange that the Prisoner has already gone though a de-briefing with Number 2, that sometime after he should undergo another in the Labour Exchange. Perhaps it was simply a ploy to try and get the Prisoner to talk. Give away some small insignificant details about himself, and the rest will follow. Well they might have thought that. As it happens they knew all those details about 'the Prisoner anyway, as Number 2 told the Labour Exchange Manager that he could get everything he wanted from the Prisoner's file!


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