Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Village Welcomes Home Its Seafaring Hero!

    The 'Amis Reunis', for tis her name but better known now as 'The Stone Boat'
 returned to her home port last Wednesday to a huge reception organised by No. 2 himself. The Brass Band played, the crowds cheered to welcome home one of the Village's sons after successfully breaking the round the world yacht record in just 71 days.
    No. 6 addressed the many citizens who had gathered at the quayside in order to welcome him home. "Its good to be home" No. 6 told the gathered citizens from the top of the forecastle "The Amis Reunis is good in any weather. The achievement of breaking the world record is not just for myself, but for the Village and its entire community. Its is however a pity" No. 6 went on to say "that my old friend the Admiral is not here to witness my home coming, though he is now down on the beach below playing with his plastic boats, I hope he is keeping me in mind!"
    "The Amis Reunis will remain moored at the quayside for the continuing months" No. 2 informed this reporter "It is unlikely that she will put to sea again, but remain as a monument, her hull to be coated in concrete so as to preserve her as a monument and the wonderful achievement of No. 6.

Reporter No. 113
Photographer Nol.113b

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