Sunday 2 December 2012

Magic Number 6 Video Footage

 I opened my email inboxthis morning and there was an email from Paul Gosling, author of MAGIC NUMBER 6, he informed me that he has posted a rough-cut video, a taster of the play on facebook the link is below.
   Paul also tells me that he will shortly be in touch re: future performances of the play in 2013.

I'll be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    As I have said,I really enjoyed watching the clips from Magic Number 6 and we will hopefully be able to see a live performance next year.
    I really wanted to ask where the music came from?I think it is from the episode A,B & C - is it accessible anywhere now ?

    Thank you,


    1. Hello Anna,

      Never fear, when I hear about possible performnces of MAGIC NUMBER 6 in 2013, I will lt you know.

      Yes, the music in the video does come from 'A B and C.' Unfortunately the three cd's of 'the Prisoner' music are no longer commerically available, however they do appear on ebay from time to time. You will also be interested in the 3 three cd box set produced by NETWORK DVD 'The Prisoner - Original soundtrack.'

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you

    2. Dear David,

      Thank you for your suggestions.I have purchased the 3 cd box set and also downloaded 'Dreamy Party' from ITunes !

      Kind Regards,

    3. Dear Anna,

      Good for you. The 3cd box set contains some great music, and one or two arrangements of incidental music you may not have heard. Happy listening.

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
