Saturday 1 December 2012

Tonight on The Video Channel

 "What's this?" Number 2 asks the doctor, as though he'd never seen a woman before! Poor Number 8 is hypnotised into believing she is in love with Number 6, and he with her.
   But the episode begins with a human game of chess, and both sides look alike! But a quick lesson from the chess champion-Number 14 teaches Number 6 how to tell between the blacks and the whites, in other words the prisoners and the warders!
   This is also an episode of human experimentation, the doctor-Number 22 adapts an experiment previously conducted on Dolphins in regard to submarine detection, which is adapted to humans, making Number 8 part of the Village alarm system via her emotions. Which makes the episode a dark one, following an even darker episode of 'Dance of the Dead.' In fact the doctor of this episode, is very much like the doctor-Number 40 of the previous episode, his female counterpart one could say.
  By hook or by crook Number 6 is determined to escape, and gathers round him a number of trustworthy men, but the question is, can they trust Number 6? The Rook puts to Number 6 his own test and finds him wanting. When Number 6 took on this little enterprise, his authority convinced the Rook that Number 6 is one of them, and and he convinced the others. In Number 6's authority lies his own defeat!
  But does not the fact that in this episode when Number 6 demonstrates his authority, and does everything except construct the radio transmitter, reflect that of Patrick McGoohan demonstrating his authority during the production of 'the Prisoner,' and carries out many of the tasks himself?! 
Be seeing you

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