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Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Therapy Zone

    As to the question of individuals. Should the concerns of the individual be put before the community at large? I should say not, but on the other hand is not the community at large made up of individuals? The community must live, and so must the individual, but when an individual puts the community at large becomes a public menace, then something has to be done. Yes, they get put in places like The Village! Their names and identity taken away, and instead they are given a number. What is my number? Well I don't appear to have one. I certainly don't wear a number, and neither does my wife Madam Professor. I'm just referred to as "The Professor," so perhaps I don't need to have one, which I suppose makes me more of an individual than most...wouldn't you say? They don't appear to want to make me wear a number, perhaps they are being indulgent of me. Professors are supposed to be forgetful and excentric. They tolerate me because of my value, and that value keeps me alive I suppose, along with my wife of course. I have a very attentive doctor, who sees to all my medical needs, so I suppose in my case they are taking care of the individual for the good of the communities education at large.

    Information, information, information. We all want information of some description at different times of our lives. No.2 is always after information, but he doesn't always get it, and I'm not sure what he does with it when he's got it. He probably has it filed away somewhere, intended for some future use by persons or governments unknown.
   With the aid of Doctor Selztman's mind swapping machine, No.2 stated that they could put one man's mind in another man's body, a man of their choosing, and by that the security of any Nation could be broken. Now why would The Villages administration want to do that? Of course The Village itself might not prosper though breaking the security of any Nation, but the country behind The Village might.
   And there you are again you see. The Seltzman machine used to put one man's mind in another man's body, sent out to gather information. When then returns, the information extracted, the man is then put through an amnesia process, all bad memories of The Village removed from his mind, then he's sent out again to gather more information! They say that information is power, I suppose that must be it.
    All that information, filed away in that long room of grey filing cabinets in the opening sequence of ‘the Prisoner.

Here Is A Warning.....
..... There Is The Possibility Of Intermittent Showers Later In The day.

    The Prisoner standing at the foot of the steps leading up to the Green Dome upon the morning of his arrival greets a passing citizen riding a tricycle with "Beautiful day" "Showers later" is the response. Indeed there is often the threat of showers, and citizens do go about carrying furled umbrellas, although more often than not the umbrellas are unfurled and used as parasols to protect them from the sun.
    The village enjoys a temperate climate and rarely does it actually rain in the village, such is the location of the village that more often than not rain is restricted to the hills and mountains beyond which surround theVvillage on three sides and on the far side of the estuary. Yet one night it does actually rain in the village, during A B & C as No.6, who is in an artificially induced sleep due to the drug he has unwittingly taken via his night cap, is taken to the secret laboratory somewhere in the woods by two men dressed in black oilskins and boots.
    "Don't bring that wet in here, take your macs and boots off" the doctor-No.14 yells as the steel doors open. But they don't bother about the plastic waterproof sheet covering the slumbering figure of No.6, that's wet!
   This is by far and away not an important point, but nevertheless an interesting one. The fact that showers are either expected or forecast, but rarely does it rain. Well at least not in the seventeen episodes of the Prisoner that we see, it doesn't.

Be seeing you

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