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Saturday 2 February 2013

60 Second Interview With A Cyclist!

No.113: "So are you going to mount this contraption then?"
Cyclist: "You have to be joking."
"Well what's the point of it then?"
"Well the point is for me to mount this contraption and ride it about the Village."
"It looks dangerous."
"That's why I'm standing here, and not riding it."
"It's said to be the Village logo."
"Yes, and really that's all it's fit for purpose!"
"It's un-ridable?"
"Yes. It's difficult enough riding a Penny Farthing. But a penny farthing with the addition of a canopy, well that's something again."
"An interesting contraption."
"You could say that. It's certainly a talking piece."
"And never to actually be seen in the Prisoner."
"Do me a favour!"
"Then what's the point of it?"
"I really don't know. But someone on the production side must have thought it a good idea, because they've certainly gone to a lot of bother to design and add the canopy."
"And then not to use it."
"Well it's difficult enough to push around, even with the added rear wheel stabilisers."
"Yes, I'd noticed them. What's the point of those?"
"Well stabilisers fitted to any child’s bicycle is to help them gain their balance."
"And did they work for you?"
"What do you think? I'm not wearing this crash helmet as a fashion accessory you know!"
"I understand there's a mechanical "Rover" somewhere about."
"Yes, and that won't work either."
 "Because it's as daft as this is thing. A Go-Kart with a dome on the top that looks like the Micheline man, and a flashing blue light on to of that, ridiculous!"
"Thank you for talking to us."
"A pleasure."

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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