Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

   Number Six returns to his cottage during The Chimes of Big Ben, and there is an announcement made over the public address system Good evening citizens, your local Council wishes to announce an exciting competition........the subject this time, Sea Scapes...... It always seems to me when I watch that scene, that the announcer is rubbing salt into Number Six's wound!

   Fotheringay - who can't wait to see his old friend and colleague, but who at the same time is happy go along with the Colonel to assist the deception, but is simply "window dressing" nothing more than that. Simply to add credibility to the situation the Prisoner finds himself in, having supposedly returned to the Colonel's office in London. He needn't have seemed so happy at the thought, but of course Fotheringay now knows of The Village. And despite the need for him to get back to London before any embarrassing questions are asked, he may very well, one day find himself in the Prisoner's deck shoes if he can not be trusted to keep quiet.

   It’s not everyone who played the dead body washed up on the shore in the episode Dance of the Dead, whose name eludes me at this time, said that the water was so cold that he had to dig his fingers into the sand so as to try and stem his shivering. It takes a certain person to simply lie there and play dead! Not everyone can do it you know.

   Amongst the items on the props sheet for the episode ‘Dance of the Dead’ called for, are flags of all nations. I've checked the film, they never used any flag of any nation. The flags used, and waved by citizens of The Village are either plain blue, red, or orange. I wonder why it was thought that flags of all nations would be called for, when to the majority of the citizens of The Village, the outside world doesn't exist!

   There is one thing about this series, it's all tied up with a nice pink bow! But there are yet certain questions I'd like to ask the producers of the series, like how did they arrive at the new logo for The Village? And scriptwriter Bill Gallagher said that he'd jokingly come up with the idea of "pig breath" as being a stabiliser for the weather anomalies in The Village, the appearance of those holes. And two years later the world is in panic of Swine Flu! Well I have to say that I see holes appearing almost everywhere, most recently holes in the World Cup! Then there are all those huge sink holes appearing in China a few days ago. The holes in this series, or rather The Village, are in the same regard as the number Six. How many times in the news have you heard that "Six die in road accident." Or that "Six charged and taken to court, Six arrested for murder, Six accused of fraud........." Its six this and have a dozen of that, but almost always "Six." They say that things may come in three's, but things more often than that, happen to Six!

Be seeing you

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