Tuesday 5 March 2013

Why Did This Man Resign? asks our own reporter

    The Man With No Name walks into the Marshals office, hands in both his badge and gun and walks out, why? It could be the  Sheriff was tired of his job, having to put his life on the line for 'a few dollars a month.' Perhaps he bacame tired of killing anyone coming into town to rob the back, or horse theives, cattle rsutlers and and standing up against any gunslinger who comes to twon looking to make himself a reputation by killing the Sheriff. And The Mn With No Nam, as he gets older, must wonder about the day he's faced with soem young gunslinger who is faster on the draw than himself. "The Judge is a bad judge" The Man With No Name told me. And yet he's the fastest on the draw the Judge had seen, or is ever likely to see. He chooses no longer the wear the badge or waer a gun. But after finding Cathy strangled to death in the Silver Dollar Saloon, he soon puts on a gun, and goes to face the Kind out in the street. The Kid was fast but now lies dead in the street.
    Whatever his reasons for handing in his badge and gun, The Man With No Nane is not slow in dispensing justice and the law in gunning down a psychotic murderer in the street!

Your own reporter
Photographs by No.113b

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