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Saturday 9 March 2013

Thought For The Day

    If 'the Prisoner' does anything, it continues to give rise to questions, and through those questions continued discussions. Such is the enduring, and lasting quality of 'the Prisoner.'
   And yet, are questions constraining? Are we not ourselves  constrained by the very questions we ask? Perhaps the answer lies within the questions we ask, and the answers and possible interpretations which rise from any such questions. Answers in themselvess can be confining, and yet at the same time liberating, not always a prison for onself!
   I have been in discussion with a number of aficionados of 'the Prisoner' for some time now. They ask the same questions as myself, and yet, come up with quite different interpretations and answers to those of mine. Oh that is by no means a bad thing, in fact it's quite refreshing. Because through my discussions with friends and correspondents, I am reading fresh ideas, and new interpretations which I have never read about in past years of appreciation for 'the Prisoner.'
   If one feels contrained by questions, it begs to ask, what are you looking for?

I'll be seeing you.

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