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Saturday 2 March 2013

Turning The Tables!

    This gentleman is the new No.2 as he makes his report on No.6 "Report on Number Six. Normal classification. On arrival subject showed shock symptoms followed by accepted behaviour pattern. Since then he has been uncooperative and distinctly aggressive...attempted to escape.... Subject proving exceptionally difficult, but no extreme measures to be used yet."
    It had been thought that this particular No.6 is the only one to wear such Village attire, but this is the wrong assumption! Because the next picture shows another new No.2 recently elected as the new No.2 in 'Free For All.'
   Yes I do realise that the term of office of this new No.2 is extremely short lived, nevertheless he was duly elected by the citizens of the Village, he wears the rosette badge of No.2's authority. We witnessed the hand-over of power in the foyer of the Green Dome
"No point in going into detail, anything you want to know press a're the boss." What's more he wears the proper Village attire of No.2.

Be seeing you

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