Monday 1 April 2013

Caught On Camera

  Why are the new No.2 and the out-going No.2 holding hands? They hold hands from the moment they get out of the Taxi, all the way to the top of the steps to the Green Dome!
   Perhaps this has something to do with the condition of No.6. After all he appears pretty sedated and unresponsive to the gathered crowd standing on the steps of the Town Hall. So much so that the out-going No.2 had to raise the new No.2's arm with his own hand!



  1. This one from "Free For All" I suppose. It's to demonstrate the power of the Village over their "child" No. 6. Taken by the hand, guided, observed, fed - with drugs etc. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      That's a fair comment, and looking at it, it sums up the situation very well.

      We have not emailed each other over the Easter period, I hope you had a happy Easter. I will email you later today.

      Kind regards
