Monday 1 April 2013

How Free Are We?

    This is a question once asked by Patrick McGoohan, and his own response was as follows;
    "I think we're being imprisoned and engulfed by a scientific and materialistic world."
   Well didn't McGoohan get that interpretation on the world right at the time of the Prisoner/ And does that not that statement still stand true of today, if not more so?
    Science is always progressing, not always for the better it has to be said. All you have to do is look at the state of the British National Health system and hospitals. New ways are being created in order for life to be created. Cures are being sort for all manner of diseases, and everyone is encouraged to look after ourselves health-wise. This so that we can live longer! Is it not better to have what you enjoy, to live an active life doing what you want, than to end up in the old people's home, paying someone to look after you..... for as long as you live?
    And as for the materialistic world. Well there are HD television sets and all manner of gadgetry, always new and better entertainments systems. We want bigger and faster Broadband, and the latest box set of the Prisoner is a measuring stick, it has to be seen better and clearer by fans, who seem to be in danger of losing the main event with the Prisoner, that of it's content!
   Materialistically people are no longer satisfied. No longer happy with what they have, not even when they have the latest thing on the market, like mobile phones. Because the latest thing on the market isn't very latest for long. Because someone somewhere is always on hand to almost instantly bring out something new and better! And at the end, does this not this materialistic existence make Prisoners of the majority?


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