Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Therapy Zone

Information And Observations
   During the electoral episode of ‘Free For All’ after No.6 has been elected as the new No.2, he can be seen in his office in the Green Dome giving it "I am in command, obey me and be free, you are free, free to go, you are free, free to go. I will immobilise all electronic controls, listen to me you are free, free, free, free to go, free to go." And as the new No.2's voice booms out around the village through the public address system, you can actually see the Prisoner standing on the central Piazza dressed in his charcoal grey suit of clothes.
   The phrase used by the new No.2 at the end of ‘Free For All’ "Give my regards to the homeland" is suggestive that the village, wherever the village may be, isn't actually on home soil but on foreign soil, possibly friendly nation to the homeland.
    Strange how No.6 is unable to communicate with No.58 in her own language, but soon gets to know her language for be seeing you, "Lye izeet azoon."
    It has often been the question, why does it take 7 slaps of No.6's face by No.58 to bring him out of his seemingly hypnotic state, and what is the significance in that number? Well there is no significance in the number of slaps to No.6's face. 7 just happens to be the number of slaps it took. It could so easily have been 8 or 5.
   Why didn't the citizens take advantage of their chance to escape in a controlled mass breakout initiated by No.6? Well this is a demonstration by the villages administration of the control they exercise over the citizens of the village. The poor brainwashed imbeciles that they are.
    Moving away from ‘Free For All’ for a moment. the little black box used in the episode ‘The General’ to collect security-pass discs, is actually a "Magic Box." And a demonstration that the villages administration makes use of even the simplest of technology.
    During the ‘Dance of the Dead,’ No.6 takes on the guise of a doctor, donning a white coat and spectacles, spectacles which he found in the breast pocket of the white coat. Strange how the lenses of the pair of spectacles suited No.6, that he could actually see through them I mean. It might have been that the lenses were weak, so as not to affect No.6's eyesight too much. Either that or they were McGoohan's own spectacles used as a prop, which would make sense.
True to form, No.6 cannot help himself from trying to order a mass breakout of the Village by it's citizens once he has been elected as the new No.2. This even though No.6 must be aware that they knew what he would do if elected. Well the administration was prepared for this eventuality right from the start, No.6 was even warned by the manager of the Labour Exchange that they knew what he would do if elected, to take control of the village and organise a controlled breakout. But No.6 took no heed of the managers words, learning nothing by the fact that the manager actually knew what he would do. No.6 is a stubborn fellow, and so the Villages administration was not to be disappointed.

The Trivia
   If you want to see the 'Rover effect' upon the village, then there is no better place to look than in Arrival, this when No.6 is approaching the helicopter on the lawn, and the village guardian then comes bounding along. The reverse effect of the film is, smoke can be seen going into the chimney of the old people's home!
    As No.6 flies off in the helicopter, you can plainly see that the rotor blades are not turning!
    Kosho, in the episode of ‘It’s Your Funeral’ No.6 has a practise match, it can be observed that at times his opponent is that of No.14, No.2's assistant of the previous episode ‘Hammer Into Anvil.’ Which in turn means that the Kosho match of ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ should have been a much longer match, and that the footage not used was then employed in the following episode of Its Your Funeral. 
    The ship M.S.Polotska might be the same, but not the crew!
    "We all have to make mistakes, sometimes we have to." I think No.14 actress Sheila Allen of ‘A B and C’ made one in that sentence.
    There was never really any need for Doctor Jacob Seltzman in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ mind you the whole episode is just a mish-mash plot idea and a great mistake in general!
    There are several busts in the Professors house, including that of No.2 of The Chimes of Big Ben. The busts have been seen before, and makes it suggestive that the Professors wife knew her subject of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ well its possible I suppose. A friend of mine would say it highly credible!
    When No.6 is preparing to take off in the helicopter in Arrival, from outside the cabin its on the lawn by the swimming pool. From inside the cabin, the helicopter is standing in a field!

Be seeing you

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