Monday 8 April 2013

Thought For The day

    'Once Upon A Time,' we only question how No.2 died, and how it was done, or indeed whether or not he actually died at all because the episode is used as a prequal to 'Fall Out.' No.2 did apparently die, but they would have had to be swift in resuscitating No.2 in order to prevent brain damage. But I won't go into that, as we are dealing with a television episode.
   Had 'Once upon A Time' remained a stand alone episode, as with the other 15 episodes, or even as it was originally intended as the final episode of the first series of 'the Prisoner, then No.2 would have remained dead, and none of the above would apply. But then what of the Prisoner? No.2 is dead, would he simply have been released back into the community as a prisoner? Probably, and then it would have been much of the same in the second series, but I don't think that wold have been very sustainable, seeing as they only just made it to 17 episodes. Mind you, if McGoohan had gone with two unused scripts of 'Don't Get Yourself Killed,' and 'The Outsider,' then the series might have been a 19 episode series. For myself I don't know why Patrick McGoohan rejected both of those scripts, as they are far superior to that of 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling.' But then McGoohan hadn't had anything much to do with that, except to make the episode worse after they had produced it!


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